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Status Updates posted by audiolamb6

  1. gonna start my door panels today

  2. epic fail gave the tax lady the wrong acct. now have to wait for it to come though the mail

  3. fuckin gas monkey slams an 81 rolls

  4. headed back home was good to see all my friends to bad i couldnt meet up with anyone to get any demos

  5. goin to look for a truck or suv

  6. shit think i fried a tweeter

  7. final's where a blast and sorry sensai i couldnt stick around for that drink next time tho

  8. gonna put some stuff up for sale

  9. kids back from their month and a half vacation good to have back

  10. maybe gettin another hoe just not liking the fact that ill use more gas

  11. uh should i get a new deck or just keep my kenwood

  12. kru wire ordered check, dd-1 ordered check now if i could only find a set of comps. i would be done for now

  13. check this shit out hope they never diss car audio like this


  14. part of my order from toolmaker came in today just wiah it was all here damn the luck i have

  15. wrapped some pieces in carbon vinyl not to hard to work with came pretty damn good will post pics some time tomorrow

  16. well blow my cerscendo 10004 not sure if i want to fix it or just sell it

  17. damn alarm set wrong up an hour early

  18. im.headed out to phoenix for the weekend to help my little brother move anyone like to meet for some demos let me know

  19. damn internet been down for 18 hours at least i gotz my fone

  20. little fuckers rolled my yard oh sweet revenge

  21. get a Crescendo 1000C4 oh yeah

  22. i see the short bus made it just in time for the new year

  23. anyone know of a good autocall app need to put someone on blast

  24. box is together got to get the rack done then ill show everyone

  25. goddess what have i done

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