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Status Updates posted by Swordlordboy1234

  1. about to go run another set of wires from my 4 channel through my front doors so i can run active… Should be interesting.

  2. Let's get a head count... Who will be going to Conroe feb 22nd for lone star throw down?

  3. Time to trade in the polks. I can no longer hear the words clearly when I'm playing my peak songs or I'm playing full tilt.... Basshead problems.

  4. So much photo bucket to SMD transferring… ugh. I hope there is comments when i come back from the super bowl game.

  5. When tony from CE auto fixes your electrical issue from 5 states away while over the phone. Wow... He found my wiring mistake on his relay in 5 minutes on the phone. Awesome CS and now my go-to person with any and all electrical needs/issues

  6. So if the coils inside your alternator are black... That's bad right? Both my tenney and my stock have very black coils with minimal copper color.

  7. Let a mint B2 zero.1 and a Quattro pop up for sale please.

  8. When you finish your current build (100%) and your already excited for the future build. You might be a basshead

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