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Posts posted by rockFord_Expedition

  1. Kyle should be ignored at all chances, but XS is the best company i've used thus far. I've had a few of them be 100% flat on voltage where i thought they wouldn't come back, put them on an XS charger and 2 days later holding voltage and starting my vehicle every time. Great customer service too. Had a 3100 arrive with a hairline crack in it, called and they sent me a new one after i sent in the cracked one. They even made a video after they cut the side off of it and load tested it which showed even damaged they'll still kick ass! Whatever they're doing, I hope they don't sacrifice quality for anything! XSPOWER FTMFW!!!

    Kyle is knowledgable, don't ignore him. Just give him hugs and kisses like I do.

  2. was thinkin about running 1 in the hatch of the car, i will check the site videos for sure

    kylar your mother needs you to take your medications and go to bed to get up for middle school tomorrow.

    I am new to this forum but do people regularly troll on here without repercussions?

    It's just Kyle's personality. He's a harmless little sweetheart, don't take offense man. Take some time to read through some threads, you'll get to know peoples personalities.

    There are repercussions when someone is completely out of line, but sarcasm doesn't warrant that. The mods are pretty on top of stuff around here.

    Just bring some thick skin, take the sarcasm with a grain of salt, and there's much to be learned here.

  3. My 03 expedition (same under the hood layout as Breezy's Navigator) leaves no room for a heat shield of any kind, and here in southern AZ it gets hot under these hoods. The only charging this thing ever got was from the DC270xp under the hood.

    I can't say any of this is the manufacturers fault, but at the same time I don't feel I was negligent nor did I abuse the battery.

    Just a real expensive lesson I guess.

  4. I'm relatively a noob. Been here over 2 years. Member 73370 or something like that. Awesome that Meade started this on my birthday!!

    Congrats Steve. Did you ever dream you would have this much of a following?

    "Christmas in July" iirc was the YouTube video that reeled me in, watching some dude upgrade from 20kw to 30kw made me about shit myself. Seeing all those amps layed out, and Anthony (I think it was him) sprawled out across them on the floor, I had never seen so much awesome gear all in the same vehicle..... Man.

    Sorry, was getting all nostalgic and shit. Cheers bro.

  5. How bad is it...post a pic

    I've had it happen with 2 batts and have seen it multiple times with them under the Hood

    Idk they might warranty it

    I'll go snap a few and post em in a bit. It's pretty bad though. I called yesterday spoke to one person about it, then he handed the phone to Chris who told me that swelling usually means improper maintenance so void warranty. Ugh.

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