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Posts posted by Bryan

  1. yeah i know bryan id really like 4 12" audioque hd3's

    here is a dude with 4 AQ 12s on a little over 1k a piece...and they really shine 1500 +...... and he is putting up good numbers on the subs rms...so they really dont need over 1k to get louder like most say


    also im thinking of doing a setup with 4 of the 12s like you want...should wang pretty hard

  2. I have had my eye on Audioque for a while. I have also had my eye on DC sound (lvl4). How do they compare?

    there is no real way to tell but people on here will swear on their life that DC is better than AQ...but i would go to ca.com and ask over there since more people are there and it will be less of a bias question.

  3. Look for the bass song video on Bryan's Profile. That's my song.


    that was when it was on the crunch amp...much sicker on the AQ and for all the others it sounds about the same with less current pull..and its has a much cleaner signal at higher gain settings...i would choose the AQ over the Crunch for price and performance..now my windsheild wipers move some..i just need another 15 or a new 18 to get them jumping

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