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Posts posted by Bryan

  1. That is fucked up man. Feel sad in a way. Hope everything goes well and explain every detail to why you punched him.

    ehh well i've been dealing with people talking shit about me my whole life and i've just been supressing it..well turns out its my pet-peeve to the 105th degree..well some one went and told him what i said and he replied hes gonna beat my ass and his girlfried said if i hit him she is gonna jump in also..i asked if he wanted me to throw the first punch he said yea and thats what happened..i really cant remember alot of the fight but im gonna watch the video people got when i go back wednesday.

  2. well a couple of weeks ago a dude was talking shit about 1 of my friends. well i told my friend and he confronted the dude talking..well the dude said he didnt say anything and was gonna beat my ass for lying..well he came up to me wanting to fight and im twice his size..well i told him no cause i was on probation and was getting off in a couple of weeks and wait till then..last week he was still talking shit saying i was fat and slow and he could beat my ass..comes this morning i said something about it and if he wanted to fight then lets fight and if he didnt then we wont..so he throws down the bag wanting it..turns out i beat the fuck outta dude..im not gonna lie he got 2 hits in..well he tried to grab my neck..im 6'1 so thats a good ways down..i slam his ass HARD then he tries to get up and etc..well it turns out the nurse "a good friend of mine" said he possibly broke his collar bone..turns out he did and im suspended for 3 days, plus i hit him so har i fractred my hand, and mom was gonna make me stay with my grandparents..my grandma said i needed to make a change and some other stuff about me that hurt my feelings bad..one of the things she said i needed to change was my hair if im gonna stay with her..im been growing out my hair for a year and had to cut it all off..turns out im back at home now...im effing in pain bummed about my hair, and possibly facing assult charges...so yea my day is totally fucked..but i have some lortab for my pain so its all good.

  3. hahahaha, i'm pretty sure this guy is Alpine. He says stuff the exact same as him and says he has the same setup as him too.

    x2 i think it mr. joe oh i mean "CODY" and coates is a effin weird last name..

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