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Status Updates posted by Brettward

  1. Welllll, its been a while, update again. I got shot at, on the freeway below Elk Grove, no over pass nothing. just POW, sounded like a firecracker and then i look and my window is shattered in the top driver side... wtf

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    2. Moreno93


      Same as what Chris said I had a rock hit my windshield even looked like a bullet hit it. My passenger ducked down after hearing it lol. Scared me a bit

    3. Brettward


      It was a loud bang like a firecracker, not like a slam feeling but just a pow. and plus this was way too perfectly round for a rock, and it didnt leave any scuffs just a big indent. it came at like a perfect angle no joke. id put up a photo but its too late.

  2. Ugh think i blew one of the voice coils, sub makes bass but like half as much, and makes the amp cut out at certain power

    1. will77530


      take a dmm to the coils

  3. Finally got a freakin job! this subi needs some upgrades -___-

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