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Status Updates posted by TNichy

  1. Absolutely love trying to go to be to get a good nights sleep, and then waking up after 2 hours and not being able to go back to sleep at all. CRAP!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TNichy


      Ya. Got my visit from FedEx yesterday. I have an issue that's being taken care of, but it's still weighing on my mind. I also made myself buy some more mids early am. being awake in the middle of the night is totally costing me more money.

    3. WastedTalent


      That'd be why then. I'm willing to bet. It'll get resolved soon man. I have an issue with FedEx too haha, although that's not why I can't slelep. But as far as the midnight buying? Welcome to PurpleSyrup's world haha.

    4. TNichy


      I hate it because I keep buying small things, that I will need, but I still haven't even saved up for the subs I need to purchase for my system. I keep seeing, sale ends on **/**/***. That is like saying, hurry up and give me your money, you'll be sorry, if you don't. lol

  2. Enough building peoples scores on Halo4 for the night. I have been bad long enough tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TNichy


      lol.. It's where my co-workers are. I have come to terms with the fact that I am just not ever gonna be a great gamer, but I usually have a good time.

    3. WastedTalent


      bc it's xbox. go to ps3 and you're scores improve. lol. jk about that but eh. everyone has their own likes.

    4. TRTC360


      I find it much harder to do good on xbox than on ps3 on shooters like COD, but maybe it's because i'm not used to the controller

  3. Waiting for the installer to come replace the back glass in my Jeep. I'm happy that it's gonna be fixed less than 24 hours after I broke it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TNichy


      Freak lawn mowing accident. My fault.

    3. TNichy


      I've been looking for an excuse to re-tint the windows, but yes, yes a beer was in order. Only one though.

  4. I am ready for FedEx to show up.

    1. WastedTalent


      haha same. on vehicle for delivery for both shipments

    2. Carbon
    3. TNichy


      Yes it is a DC expectation.

  5. Finally, a good nights sleep. I'm planning for a great day. I hope everyone else can have a great day too.

  6. Happy Easter to all.

  7. Time to go make my dollars. Really Hate working weekends during the summer.

  8. Oh. Just a whole bunch of happy right not. Just found out my DC amps are in transit. Awesome!

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