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Status Replies posted by ghostrider59927

  1. FarCry is a pretty decent movie

  2. no matter how clean your build is or loud.. someone, somewhere will try to hate on it

  3. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  4. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  5. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  6. well im sick and this sucks means no money for rebuild. ohh well time to browse the forums all day

  7. taking hz requests on the next ultimate demo track

  8. well might be getting a new to me car

  9. i think it might be time for a rebuild, more power, and some deadener

  10. well i got 2 subscribers today :)

  11. REALLY! Was going to finally drop the money, and buy 2 out of 4, Obsidian audio 15's...to find out they're sold out untill june. FML! been putting this stuff off for months now that i want it, i gotta wait longer. lol

  12. man i wish i could fine someone to buy the rest of the stuff i need and let me make payments to pay them back :(

  13. man i wish i could fine someone to buy the rest of the stuff i need and let me make payments to pay them back :(

  14. lets see to finish this rebuild i need 180$ for amp and 90$ for another 15. :( i wish i had the money now before amp is gone

  15. lets see to finish this rebuild i need 180$ for amp and 90$ for another 15. :( i wish i had the money now before amp is gone

  16. lets see to finish this rebuild i need 180$ for amp and 90$ for another 15. :( i wish i had the money now before amp is gone

  17. lets see to finish this rebuild i need 180$ for amp and 90$ for another 15. :( i wish i had the money now before amp is gone

  18. rebuild time. just added 30 pics. and a supra shows up so check it out

  19. 1987 S10 for $500? Hell yes! Blow through here we come!

  20. STEALTH808 = BassBarbie

  21. Ok, I'll ask my retarded question here. I am not a total noob but this is a total noob question. What is with the bolt terminals on the actual box? Someone splain that to me.

  22. well looks like ill have a bigger budget soon for an amp, and maybe even a new 15. got 3 installs lined up for this week

  23. anyone know a good set of 3 way components? looking to spend $300 give or take a little

  24. just bought Psyph Morrison Diamond In The Mudd cd will listen to it tomorrow

  25. just bought Psyph Morrison Diamond In The Mudd cd will listen to it tomorrow

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