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Posts posted by 99vic

  1. Sounds like your gonna have one hell of a weekend. Your gonna be drooling over sexiness while I'm at some little bastard 5 yr olds birthday party.... Think my wife will believe me if I go for gas and get lost and end up 3 hrs away lol

    only if you call from jail and end up on the next episode of cops.


    Pics are uploading now.

    Do you guys want pics of CES as well? :clapping:

    behind the scenes pics of rustys madness > ces :good:
  2. Kids these days blow my mind...I was at a friend's house this past weekend, and his 5 yr. old daughter was showing me videos she liked on You tube! All by herself! Knew how to work the computer better than her parents! And the only interruptions were when her CELL PHONE RANG. A 5 yr. old with a cell phone...wow. I wasn't even allowed to use the phone when I was 5, except maybe if a family member wanted to say something to me. And I could only use the computer when the parents were around, and we didn't even have internet!

    WOW ill keep my mouth shut on this one. but words that have terrible and parenting popped in my head when i read that :shrug:

  3. See where you messed up Steve ... U should of put that bush on se Ds and vogues! 13s no bigger jusayindoe lmao.. Damn I can't wait to see how the paint comes out.

    well the guys at AZAfoged/Sinister (the wheel makers) are the original makers of almost every wheel out there including the Roadstars (remember those?). Maybe i will recycle these rims next tuesday on recycle day and order up some 26x10 REVERSE Roadstars instead :D Triple gold of course, i dont wanna be cheap! :rofl: :rofl:

    :woot: with the big ass plate with the knockoff bolted to it! deew etttt :rofl:

  4. This is so true! When I looked outside Christmas morning, there was noone outside riding their new bike. Ya know why? Because they are all inside glued to the tv playing XBOX 360, Playstation 3, and Wii!! Technology=Laziness.

    so fucking true hahah i can still hear it..... errrrrrtt (thats me kicking my tire sideways in front of Danny or Jeffs front door at 7am sharp) and showing off the new war-pony (aka bmx). That doesnt happen anymore. My kids take bikes for granted. They have nice ones and could care less. I had a freakin' huffy or murray and thought it was cool even though Danny and Jeff always had better ones then me. I was just happy to be MOBILE!! Check this, anyone remember when MONGOOSE was a good brand? now that shit is at target.

    i used to love the fact that we could play till the street lights, and we where ok. My crew would ride bikes all day all the way across town. We would share a can of soda and not worry about it. If kinda feel like a douche because my kids have none of these luxuries. :bull:

    i wish bikes were built the same!! i remember as a kid riding my redline with my 5 best friends all over sacramento for years!jumping insane jumps. crashing. and still would ride like new... now they are seasonal bikes you throw them away each season. my kids have been through 3 bikes and they are only 3 and 5 lol.and the worst part is i cant let them out of my sight because some sick bastard might be near.... man i miss the 80s :yahoo:

    see what i wrote above ^^^ totally true hahah.......and those LONG ASS rides with the "crew" lmao, we would be all the way in Folsom hittin some jumps. Some of you know where i live and i grew up within 1/4 mile from where im at now so that should tell you how far folsom is for a 12yr old hahah...good times!

    haha did you ever take the biketrail to down town?, i remember riding along old roseville rd along the tracks all the way down to cal expo. then to old sac. 2 cans of RC cola for 6 of us. and we would still beat the street lights lmao i remember everyones bikes too. i had a red redline my older cousin gave me. peter had a diamondback from his older bro, antonio had mongoos.trevor borrowed one of the extras, the twins had matching huffys the sick ones that had the splatter paint job haha. anybody remember how many times they switched parts with the homies bikes? :clapping:

  5. i used to love the fact that we could play till the street lights, and we where ok. My crew would ride bikes all day all the way across town. We would share a can of soda and not worry about it. If kinda feel like a douche because my kids have none of these luxuries. :bull:

    i wish bikes were built the same!! i remember as a kid riding my redline with my 5 best friends all over sacramento for years!jumping insane jumps. crashing. and still would ride like new... now they are seasonal bikes you throw them away each season. my kids have been through 3 bikes and they are only 3 and 5 lol.and the worst part is i cant let them out of my sight because some sick bastard might be near.... man i miss the 80s :yahoo: and i thought i had it rough ppshh

  6. Yea got a homie over by you that's gonna finish the dings and paint it after I'm shaved and bags are done. Actually I got a few things that need welded. I want to finish weldind the area where spot lights were. And got 3 antenna holes. Ther Are small.

  7. i can weld, thats all i have to offer. that and ive bagged and or rebagged about 5 or 6 rides. everything from s10's to hondas even my buddies saturn.

    I'm getting ready to shave my doors, I'll def be getting ahold of you if you want to weld up the holes? Tried to pm you but your box is full

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