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Posts posted by 99vic

  1. ok guys i got most of my rattling gone accept under my car there is a loud ass rattle that i cant find. i crawled under the car held everything that i thought it would be but it sounds like its between metal. i have some triple expanding foam should i just start putting it where i think it might rattle? is there a certain way to use it ? i was told not to put it in the trunk holes because it will expand to much and break the seems?

  2. i talked to someone a while back and they told me but i forgot.

    im trying to connect my subs to my amp but dont want to use the terminals in the box i want to use bolts. someone told me that i have to use some kind of high grade bolt? also will it be smart to use 8 gauge to wire my subs and then to the amp? and my last question will it help to put dynamat inside the box? i cant afford resin and have enough dynamat to line the inside?

  3. they suck ass at installing alarms also, i went to the best buy over by arco arena had a viper 2 way put in my crown vic i told them i wanted to add remote start and remote trunk release. my shit only starts with the key no trunk popper and the broke the defroster switch. :mad: and they claim its not their fault and that i never paid to have the stuff installed. stupid ass me didnt get the receipt and paid cash. for the extras in the install bay. i hate bestbuy with a passion. you think install is bad try asking the retards from geek squad about a computer prob.

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