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Posts posted by 99vic

  1. 1 5/8 will work. the key to screws is to pre-drill and counter sink them.

    The glue will do the rest.

    4 Sheets of wood is great, less time going back to the store when you want to redo it.

    While your back there pick up some 2x2 for bracing, And maybe a gallon of resin for the corners.

    i have no clue on how to even try to uses resin thats that fiberglass stuff right?

  2. i used inch and a half brads when i made boxes, they arent all that long but at least they hold it til the glues ready

    shit now i have to go back? is there anything else i should get that i didnt list? i got the drill bit to pre drill the holes also is it trus thyat you can take the screws out after the glue drys?

  3. ok guys im back.... i was wrong on the front battery i could only fit a kinetik hc1800 so i got that i got the hc2400 for the rear and picked up 3 rolls of 50 ft 1/0 wire for my big 3 and amp hope that will be enough. i got 2 cascade door kits dk1, i got the brass terminal things for the end of my wires, got a anl 200 amp fuse and a 300 amp fuse didnt know what 1 i needed. i ran to home depot and got 4 sheets of 3/4 inch mdf that should be enough for my box and all of my mistakes. i got 2 16oz bottles of elmer s probond professional strength wood glue, a big box of screws, a router a saw and a sander. hope i got all i need.

  4. I don't see any reason to switch out the type R's. You never know if you really like them or not until you have the right box for them.

    I think with the Zapco amps, the right wiring, and proper box and the 15's you have now you should be happy for awhile. Only upgrade when you have maxed out what you have now.

    Boxes are easy and cheap to build.


  5. You could do 18's however I don't think the extra work won't be worth the payoff.

    It would be a little mo forgiving and easier to do the 15's 15's however will still take up most of the trunk of the car.

    Box design can be more important then the equipment sometimes. The Zapco amps are also a step in the right direction, now you need to focus on the power supply. 4G ain't gonna cut it. And doing it half ass can mess up your gear and you could burn the car to the ground.

    It's unfortunate that you got bad advise and a shady install. I hope you take some time to let the "real" knowledgeable people on here help you out.

    ok that makes sense on the 18s. but are you saying go with fi q 15s or stick with my type r 15s and get a better box and all the other stuff?

  6. I don't know if you will have enough space for the 18s maybe go with the 15s and a new box, my friend has one 15" Q in his taurus off a Coustic 400D and if your car is really at 129.9 i guarantee his 1 15 is louder then that.

    no room for 2 18s

    Sealed box: 2-2.6 cuft

    Ported box: 2.8-4 cuft @ 28-33Hz is what their page says for the fi q 18 i had a big ass box in my car with 3 type r 15 at first.

    it was never metered justin just said that.

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