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Posts posted by P4killer_

  1. You know this looks pretty cool. its like having your dd1 constantly hooked up which i guess is cool. I mean when you set your dd1 and know for instance vol 28 is distorted, you dont need a light to tell you that but its cool that you have the option with this..

    I was wondering if say maybe this product gets a bit more popular would there be some revisions made? Like idk a single din or some kinda mounting kit with a beauty ring maybe I missed it but it looks so far like youd have to fab this in yourself. or maybe an adjustable dimmer for the led's.. for some ppl for instance the stinger volt meter is kinda bright itd be nice to be able to dim it a lil bit imo.

    I dont neccessarily want one of these at this moment in time, but maybe id buy one eventually.. but I think the price is fine, and I appreciate the fact that you used quality components like the power supply etc..

    Keep doing whatcha doin Steve. This is yet another quality product in your lineup and something that you cant find anywhere else but SMD :drink40:

  2. I don't think so.. you could go to fixmyspeaker.com or look.up psi IIRC that site is for psi but I'm not sure. Or get a hold a guy named forevabumpin on here. Idk if he's around much but I think he found a kit for type rs maybe it was kicker idk but its worth a shot. Depending on how much you paid .. it might be better to just buy another type r or sub. In my experience psi is a lil expensive but at least check it out.

  3. dang ... doing all that with a jig... i CANT STAND even cutting the sub holes.. but i dont wanna pony up for a router and jig just for sub holes. but dang id go to walmart and buy a circ saw for $30 before i spent another day jigging it up.. damn. I kinda got respect for someone who builds the whole f'ing box with a jig saw..

    Needs more port for sure and just use some silicone and or wood filler to seal up your cuts and stuff. should be ok. nice sub btw :P

    Dude your hands must be killing you.. go buy a circ already

    edit: I think I saw a circ in those pics....? Hmmm.. go buy some saw horses then so you can safely use that circ... or just pick up a pos table on the thrift store.. something .. i cant get over you using the jig for every cut.. im going to have nightmares.. my hands are hurting for you...

    lol its time for me to go to bed.

  4. Looking to have another sub built to match my existing one. The v3 are coming out in August and v2 is no longer in production.

    So either a motor a blown sub. Or a working 15 spl coil.

    Edit: d1 needed

    Budget : you know idk .. under 200 the recones as posted will cost around 140 plus the cost of a basket... So too much more than that if at all really doesn't make sense for me.

    Lemme know.

  5. I ran xfls before idk that they like too much more than 1k.. I mean a lil bit more but if your runinng 1.5 conservatively .. idk how long theyd like that..

    Idk about Dd25 series taking 1600 daily either.. but the 35 series laughs at that much powah but buying 10 of those could be like triple what you could get xfls for..

    Why not stay sundown and step up to the z or ns series..

  6. Ok so... Ima take the time and edgimicate you a tiny bit.

    Basically you need to make a choice..

    As someone else above me said.. building an SPL setup is entirely different than building a daily setup and as far as SPL building goes you build around the car..

    You will need a lot of time and access to a term lab... alot more time than a few hours if a judge at a show were nice enuff to give you that time..

    I dont think you understand what building an SPL build means.. in most cases the box ONLY plays certain freq. and sounds like TRASH on anything else. But it is meant to be loudest at that set freq.. its very complicated and many peoples methods or tricks are straight up secret.. but thats not to say it isnt fun or you couldnt get into something like that in fact look up fecoupe2001 iirc he has an spl thread of things he tested in order to gain spl.. it will give you a good idea of where to start and what to expect in terms of time and effort.

    Now there is nothing wrong with building a regular aka daily box, and making mods or changes in order to try and improve your score.. but thats very different than going straight up term lab numbers only..

    What you should do is build yourself a nice tidy clean box and make sure you use silicone to seal the creases etc.. and just run that for awhile.. while your learning.

    You need to become familiar with the terms and lingo and many concepts regarding car audio before you even think about the words SPL or SQ in terms of how your going to build.

    Id be glad to help with some concepts and Im sure other people (being this is a forum) would too, but before you start asking questions about SPL do a little reading and research and then come back with questions. Honestly people will be more willing to help you once you put some time into learning..

    So like I said either way learn first, and remember always have fun.. if its not fun anymore than whats the point, but you have to make a choice do you just wanna hook it up and have bass.. then you dont need to know much. If you wanna get into the numbers game etc etc.. you got some reading to do and this forum is easily one of the best places to learn.

    Look up fecoupe's thread.

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