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how can it be made for speakers? I could face one 180% out of phase and totally destroy their effect. where I could aim them right and get that effect with out needing them to figure out how to record like that?

First, watch the video. It answers that about 2-3 minutes in if I remember correctly.

No one said it would be easy. Assuming it could work, it would take a lot of research and processing. That is what this guy is doing.

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how can it be made for speakers? I could face one 180% out of phase and totally destroy their effect. where I could aim them right and get that effect with out needing them to figure out how to record like that?

First, watch the video. It answers that about 2-3 minutes in if I remember correctly.

No one said it would be easy. Assuming it could work, it would take a lot of research and processing. That is what this guy is doing.

I have watched the video, it still doesn't make it worth the work. it's a catch 22, either you set up the speakers perfect for their system to work, where the same amount of work would let it happen naturally. OR you don't set it up right and neither works


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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If you don't think its worth the work, then don't worry about reading what im about to say. You are wasting your time, as likely am I.

If you can use laptop speakers as they claim, it isn't much work to get a "perfect" setup. Laptop speakers are pretty crappy. Thus, it is worth it if they can get it to work. Second, there is no way for a normal setup to make it sound like sounds are coming from behind you. This "3d sound" attempts to accomplish this. Not saying they have been or can be successful, but thats what one of the the goals are. Anyways just for the luls I tried out some of the sound from the video on my laptop speakers just now and I can't say it is all that great. But hey, whatevs.

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a 2.1, normal stereo set up WILL play 3d sound. only difference is they are setting it up for speakers straight at you instead of a 45 degree angle. both will need acoustic foam to cancel early refractions and all that stuff


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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I believe you are correct in saying that a normal stereo setup will play 3d sound. That is the point of the video. But not any sound that is played is "3d sound." You can't tell where a specific sound is meant to come from unless it is recorded in a way intending this. If the out from both speakers are the same the sound will "come" from directly infront of you. A good stereo setup intends to increase the frame of where sound can "come from" from infront of you to also being able to go from the left speaker to right or anywhere in between. For many things this is perfect. 3d sound intends to take this same setup and also have it able to make sound seem as if it is coming from the sides or behind or around you. Similar to surround sound in a sense, but only two speakers, and apparently with better definition.

It seems as if from your post that you are saying a normal 2 speaker setup with normal music not using the "3d sound" techniques can make sound seem like it is coming from behind you. If that is the case explain it to me, because I don't see how you could think something like that. There is also a difference between being able to make your mind believe it could possibly be behind you and actually thinking it is behind you. For example I believe that if the guy in that video had his way you could have speakers set up somewhere in the open in front of a person, play a sound, and make that person turn around thinking it is behind them. Not possible with normal sound.

I don't get why I am writing so much. :shrug:

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I am 100% saying a 2 speaker system can locate instruments behind your head. it's using the same idea as in the video, a good listening room will sound as you are sitting directly in the sound it should sound as you are the speaker it self. the reason most can't do this is from sound bouncing off walls and hitting your ears delayed. so instead of hearing a clean signal you are hearing echoes coming from multiple locations and it confuses your brain. that is why if you go to a recording studio or listening room you will see acoustical foam either every where or in very specific locations. I was 1000% skeptic and pretty much called the guy a liar until I heard it for my self. It would take a guy much more learned in 2.1 to explain exactly how it is possible. but hearing it myself I know it is


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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Then maybe it is possible what this technology is seeking to do is make it possible to have the same effect of this expensive and not convenient setup with acoustic foam etc be elsewhere available with a crappy setup by being able to somehow make cancellations, idk. I know very few people who have a setup full of acoustic foam. (actually no one)

Obviously Im not an expert in this, which im assuming you aren't either. (which you seemed to state yourself) Im in electrical engineering... not sound engineering or whatever that would fall under, but I do know a bit about physics and waves. Thats why we have experts like in the video. yay.

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just seams to me like another way of doing something that has already been done. which is what I was trying to get across. I'm only getting started with 2.1 I was 7.1 only until I heard a proper 2.1 now I am sold. Give me a couple years then maybe I will be at novice/expert level.


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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Doing something that has already been done? Maybe. But it is done in a different way. If it works and is refined it allows possible applications that weren't available before. Such as a laptop speaker set.

Same way with many things. First thing I thought of, take lcd monitors for example. Im sure after lcd's were released many people thought a similar way as you were, and could be sold on a quality set up crt monitor. And yes they had their advantages still. But look at it now... lcd's have been refined to the point a crt is inferior in every way. (that I can think of) You never know, this 3d sound thing could be the same way.

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being some one who prides myself in doing hard things and having them come out good. I absolutely hate anything that makes that same thing easier to do. I'm sure I'm not the only one. probably the same as people in the 1990's who were doing 150's and getting the same numbers as guys do now with 1/10 the equipment and work


previously known as wenn_du_weinst aka fucking internet coward supreme.  I talk shit on other forums like a little bitch and hope i don't get caught out on the street.  

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