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06 Civic Build - New Build List on page 60

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Scooter this build is amazing man! Im asking for HID's for my truck for Christmas :D I love your build! cant wait for the audio part!! LOVE IT! BEAUTIFUL CAR! :drinks:

My Truck Build
Spending money on things I don't need, to impress others I don't know.
At the end of the day for me its about the love of customizing anything and everything to limits or even past reasonable.-SkyHighCarAudio

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OH YA!!!!!

Scan Gauge II pod done - CHECK

Projectors In - CHECK


Fog Lights wired up - CHECK

Re wire the Side Markers - CHECK

Wire for LED's in headlights and under front grill - CHECK

I've got another 50+ pictures to post up tomorrow. But right now it's 12:15am and I have to get up at 515am for bootcamp! GOODNIGHT!!

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Visitors to the Museum will enter through a Pavilion that will house an auditorium for public programming, a multi-purpose area for contemplation and refreshment and a private suite reserved for victims'family members. Two of the original steel tridents from the Twin Towers will beenclosed within the Pavilion’s grand glass atrium, standing as references to the past, while signaling hope for the future.

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Ok folks so here it is! Everything is finally done that I set out to do. The only thing that wasn't done, which isn't surprising, is I didn't start the fog retros yet. The bulbs just shipped out today, thanks to TRS.com for working with me you guys rock!

So I'll just get on with the pictures, and do a little chit chatting in there somewhere! I basically just worked a lot last night and didn't take a ton of pictures. Well I guess 50+ really is a ton, but you know what I mean. I now have eclipsed 415 pictures for the projector project alone! Insane I know!

Ok here we go!

These are some daylight pics of the retros in before lenses. Still adjusting a little bit, and getting things in order.


First shots with the shrouds in! Lookin good I think!



Here's the difference: left side with shroud, right side without.


Time to get prepped to put the lenses back on. Now recall that the LED's for the Audi Style LED's are inside the headlights and not under like a lot of people are doing. One of the main reasons I did this was because I wanted the full LED effect, not just the glow from underneath! However, to get this to work, I still have to wire them up! So here are those pics.

Again, all connections that can be, are soldered and heat shrink added on.




Time to attach the shrouds. Now originally I didn't want to use the epoxy, but the only reason I'll be opening these back up, is to do the Quad Retro, so I'm not worried about it. I had to attach them with something though, they were just too loose to let them sit in there. They'd rattle all over the place, or at least I think they would.


mmmmmmm looks tasty!


Basically put a glob in each of the four corners.


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Both done and setting up.




Time to wire the second lens. I was kind of working one side at a time for whatever reason, sorry bout the bouncing around.



Everyone ready to join the party!


Looks like the passenger side housing hooked up with a little hottie!


Oh yeah, look at those curves! Lucky S.O.B.!!!!


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Finished up the wiring after passing it through the housing.


Oh wait, driver side's gonna get lucky too! Damn some hotties up in here!


Ok lets get everything put back in.


Oh yes! Now we're ready to get this party started! WOOOOOO!!!!


Cleared sides and chrome bulbs!





Time for some pre-money shots! Oh it's starting to look good!


Decided to put a little addition to the set up! After some trial and error, I decided on here!


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Little quick disconnect pig tail since the bumper comes off on occasion.


Here she is put back together!





Time for some money shots!

Projectors only




I think it still needs to go up a bit. I haven't measured it or anything like that, but I will. This is just with my eyes!

Nice view of the parking lights.



I have to be honest here, I'm a little disappointed in these. They're very subtle and not very bright. I'm gonna have to look into something else, maybe led's. But I'm not happy with this at all at the moment. Maybe they'll grow on me, who knows.

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Projectors and Nokia Highs.



The Highs are a little scattered and actually bunch a little to the left of center. They're bright as hell, the pics don't do them justice. They're seated properly, and in the way they're supposed to be, but for whatever reason they're for sure off center to the driver side.

Projectors, Highs, and Fogs (halogen)



Projectors and fogs.



Fogs with DRL's



Just fogs and parking lights


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NOW WE'RE TALKIN! Audi Style LED's baby! Just look at that glow!


Grill LED's. I know they look like a different color, but wait till the next one, they're the same I promise.



Group shot!


Now some daytime pics!






This is the one I'm most happy with! I think it shows off the shroud very well!


So that's it! Here's my quick review.

First thing I can say is that it's a different view all together. The projectors with HID's are amazing and hard to look at at the same time. Let me rephrase, they're hard not to look at. I find myself distracted at times while I'm driving. I drove it around the block last night to the parking lot where I took the pictures to adjust them etc. I also drove it to boot camp this morning. The light is amazing.

The first complaint I have, is the cutoff. First I think I'm going to need to rotate them a little bit still, cause after getting them adjusted height wise, they cutoffs started to crossover. I'll cross that bridge when I do the fog retros. The second thing I'm having an issue with is the cut off step on the left side. I understand it's supposed to be there, but it's gonna take some getting used to having a section of light missing. It's a little distracting for the moment.

Next are the fogs. I like them, and they look ok, but now with the retros done, I think those are gonna get moved up in priority. I don't use them all the time, or don't think I will at this point, but when I get those retros done I can see myself having them on all the time. Right now they look a little wimpy! No Bueno!

I already discussed the parking lights a little bit. It's not that they're dim, cause lets face it, I've tinted most everything else, but its the fact that they're dim and don't get any brighter with the signals on. That bothers me. Now if I get the LED's, you can bet your ass I'm tinting those sides!

The LED's I'm pretty much in love with. The Grill LED's are just there for show pretty much. I'm not planning to drive with them on. I'm sure I'll have more risk in getting pulled over with those on than the others. I do, however, have a decision to make. I've show this to a few people and I'm getting a majority feedback saying that they DRL's need to go and just keep the LED's. That they look much better without the DRL's on. Which is fine, I can do that. The Nokia bulbs are gonna shine a tint of yellow even off, which looks SICK anyway!. So I'll have to decide on that, however, I do still want the ability to have my highs accessible. So I think if I just pull the DRL fuse I should be ok. But will I get the DRL light on the dash. I HATE LIGHTS ON THE DASH!! At least the ones that are not supposed to be there.

My complaint about the LED's is this. If you look at the pictures again, you'll see on the driver side grill led strip toward the center, there are about 3 or 4 leds that are not as bright. That's not an angle thing, you're seeing it correctly. The strip is thick up until that point, and then it gets pretty thin. You can't feel the led lights up until then and then the epoxy over them is so thin you can feel the leds there. So it's faulty, but they were cheap (actually free) so I'm not gonna complain. I'll get another strip sometime soon, may just get two that way they match and there are no issues. I'll change them out then. Like I said I won't be using them often. I'm just glad it's there and not in the headlights! THAT WOULD SUCK!!!!

So the one thing that I could pick in the entire project, Projectors, Clear Sides, LED's, Fogs. I think it's gonna have to be the custom shrouds hands down! Not even a contest. Especially after seeing them in the sun today and taking that pic. They are absolutely perfect and I love the way they look. Could there be a few changes, I'm sure there could, but for my first attempt I'm about as close to perfect as I could ever ask for. Now I just have to duplicate it again when I decide to go to a Quad set up!

So there you have it! Done! Next up is either going to be the Audio Build Start up or the Fog Retros! Either way, it's gonna get exciting in here real fast!

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