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Second Skin Audio



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HEy thought i would share my story from yesterday.

Well i sleep in late . Went to school 3rd hour. When i drove by the school i thought i would play Some YOUNG JEZZY.

Walked in the doors to find my Princable waiting. He took me to his office and said holy cow thats loud!!

Them my spanish teacher walked up and said " some kid play music knocked 2 of my pictures on my wall down". Haha... She laughed when she found out it was me. HAHAHA. Next time i am taking my camara!!


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i used to do that on my way out of my school parking lot, this teacher failed me cause i was in the hospital the last two weeks of her class and wouldn't let me make shit up so i interrupted her class erday during summer school(making up for credits cause of her) and tha last day i just pulled up to her window and let her rip, lmao she closed her window, that didnt wrk so she came runnin out and half the class was rotfl cause she was yelling at me and i was shrugin my shoulders like WHA?? CANT HEAR YOU??

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