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Nice choice, just ride smart. I'm getting ready to get one for crusing but looking at a 250 to start. Definitely read and take in the good advice that people give, and get all the safety equipment you can. Most of all have fun with it and congrats.

thanks man! i already have acouple helmets and some icon jackets laying around so im good on gear for awhile.

If the bike is 600cc or more, i would watch out with the power it has, not only the amount of power it has but also the sensitivity of the gas handle on supersport bikes is very high.

Be sure to buy full gear, and don't cheap out on it, the bike wasn't cheap so neither should the gear be.

Test a few helmets because the sizes aren't all the same and the helmet should stay on your head easily without using the belt thing on the bottom.( it should be a bit tight, but not too tight, don't be afraid to ask the salesman if it's the right size.)

Leather gear tends to stretch out after a 4-5 years, so that means you will need to buy new gear in 5 years if you go for leather.

The gear should be tight and hugging your skin, it can't be a little loose. Boots come in handy, if you lowside in a corner and the motorcycle falls on your foot it won't be broken with proper motorcycle boots that protect your ankle.

Have fun with the bike, but always keep in mind how dangerous one is, if you do that and follow a few courses on how to properly ride a motorcycle you will have a lot of fun without hurting/killing yourself.

The bike looks good ;)

is the 600cc replica but its only a 250. like i said wanted something small for my first bike. but soon enough ill be in the :morepower1: group lol

as for helmets and gear, my dad has rode for many many years and has alot of stuff from his old bikes that im using for now. the jacket i have now is alittle lose and i didnt know it had to be tight. thanks for the heads up looks like ill be getting a new jacket :wacky:

damn thought you had to be 18 to get credit but cool and nice bike

you thought wrong ;) thanks!

ive never used "gear" full riding outfit is for pussys.. i do however tend to wear pants more often than shorts when riding (shorts ride up on ur legs real fast lol)..i wear whatevers confortable

also be SURE to do the maintenance regualr.. (valves tight oil changed tires good chain and sprocket good)

i run a little bit more oil in my biike that way when u pull wheelies it doesnt dry the sump out

also be careful a streetbike is NOTHING like a little dirtbike..take it very easy at first.. (hint.. when you turn around corners dont turn the bars lean the bike.. my cousin tried turning the cars around a corner and flipped himself)

cops LOVE pulling bikes over.. so ALWAYS make sure you have proper paperwork etc

i have a 2006 suzuki gsxr600 with right at 24k miles on it .. kawasaki's are known for clangy valves too

thanks for the info bro! but ill never ride without gear... :shrug: just not worth the road rash, and hospital trip to me...

got my bike to establish credit to, wish i was smart and started as young as u. learn the bike practice riding wear there isnt alot of cars before you try riding in town people dont watch for bikes like they should and will cut you off. have fun and b safe

thanks for the words o wisdom!

still gotta wear helmates in MI but maby not for long

just some kind of eye protection here.. i wont ride without a helmet tho

nice bike, looks clean as hell!


Nice bike! Always at least wear a helmet even if the law in your state doesnt reqire you to. When I got my first bike I hardly ever put a helmet on and wore shorts when driving around town. I only put proper gear on when going on fast rides. Looking back at that I thought I looked cool but really looked like a fuckn idiot and was on a 1000cc....really stupid of me. Stay outta the center lane and when sitting at a red light ALWAYS look to see if the car coming up behind you is slowing down. If you are riding with other people who are going fast and you dont feel comfortable at that speed then dont do it.....ride your ride and have fun. The skill and speed will come. Also when you lean into corners to turn your steering wheel should actually turn the opposite way a hair. Sounds wierd but thats the way it naturaly turns when leaning at faster speeds not really at slow speeds

thanks for the info, never knew that id have to turn the opposite way but im far from taking turns fast...

[You can get comfortable gear and not spend $800+, and you can also ride perfect until something/someone else effects you and you lose control and slide. Especially for a beginner, I wouldn't skimp out on protective gear. You can get pullover pants to wear that will actually protect you unlike jeans, then just take them off when you're done riding and put them in a backpack. If you want to ride with no gear go ahead, but I'd rather play it safe and sweat a little bit knowing if I fall I'll be a lot better off then someone who wants to look good.

x2, id rather shower than not be able to shower for months from road rash :ninja:

Damn right in this 70degree shit! I got an older Yamaha 750 that has seen lots of riding this march!!

Look at cl for gear- I got a Leather jacket for 35 bucks, hella good deal to me.

I'll always wear a full face, it's just one of those things that it's not worth it not to.

Get some good boots, I saw a guy wearing flip flops riding a rocket and I wanted to punch him, I mean fuck, how stupid canyou get??

Drive safe and take the safety course, that way it waives the skills test.

The knowledge/temps test is easy, just 23 multiple choice questions.

See ya on the road!

-oh and go through your parents insurance, mines only 22-23 bucks a month.

this Wisconsin weather is nuts man! im loving it!

im going to get my temps tomorrow and taking a class in April...

if your ever around eau claire hit me up man!


wow now this just shows that smd isnt just any forum. We are a brother hood.

here let me put it in retard-onix for u aareehhhh duuuurrrrr ehhh got it now?

Sweet baby jesus the amount of quoting the quote above the quote in a quote is epic

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The EX250 is an AWESOME bike. Nice big aftermarket, fun to ride even out of the box, and resale is super high as everyone loves these things for beginner bikes. Some of the most fun I have ever had at a track day was on a loaner EX250.

Take an MSF class as soon as you can, helps with insurance but it also teaches alot of things that can save your life. I recommend an MSF class to EVERYONE who comes in the shop, even experienced riders can learn something. For the price for what you get it's well worth it.

Also can't stretch enough proper safety gear. It's easy for someone to look at helmets for example and want to buy a $100 helmet over a $300+ helmet because it's easier on the wallet... The old Bell helmets ads said it best, if you have a $10 head wear a $10 helmet. I will never wear a cheap lid. Also a good textile jacket is a good investment if you don't want to spring for leather, as is a good set of textile pants, both should have adequate CE armor.

Enjoy it, some of the most fun times of my life have been on two wheels.


2010 Toyota Tundra
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