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1994 Ford F350 CC BLOW THROUGH - DC and Soundstream

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Ok, Lunch time! Here we go!

So first off, let me just explain, that the reason I take the pictures with the measurements is for this purpose. I can look at those pictures, and get my references on how to do the designs and mock ups on sketch up. Also, even though there's some chatter between, you guys could go back and look at them as well.

So this isn't much, but it's the base of the area I have to work with. It goes on the floor in the place of the center console seat, and the dash. There is a stick shifter there, which is what the cut out is for on the design, but the stick itself is for the 4WD.


This shows the angle of the floor going up towards the dash.


Now here is the mid bass enclosure. Remember this will house the 2 DC Audio LVL 2 8's. This enclosure is right at .81cu ft sealed, and is divided so each side is it's own chamber.


Where you would look if you sat on the dash LOL


Rear Seat Driver Side View


Here's where it gets real, I think! What you're seeing here is a 10" HD monitor for the back seat! This is a straight on view of it!



Kind of shows the angle in this pic, although it's not easy to really tell an angle till you've got it in the vehicle. But it's about there, where it's going to be.


Shhhhhhh, don't look now but it's starting to look like a center console! HEY I SAID DON'T LOOK!

Ok you can look now. Here is the storage compartment, yes I was able to even put one in here with all the stuff going in. This compartment is about 5.5" deep and 13" long. Really good storage area. Got cup holders up front that WON'T BE A DAMN INCH DEEP (EFFING IDIOTS WHO DESIGNED THESE THINGS). Then in the center there will be a little blank area, so to speak, for change and crap like that.

Oh apparently when I did the last save, I didn't save it with the lid on it. So you'll see that in a minute.



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Now is where we get serious. We have some serious decisions to make here! I say WE cause WE're all in this together! Yes I'm building it, but you guys are riding right along with me! So let's figure this out!

Here's the basic blank slate of the dash.


From the rear seat


Now let's talk options.


Now I wasn't going to do this option, but I thought why not design it anyway and see how it looks. To me, It's not bad. Lays out well I think and simplifies the install. Leaves the head unit and the HVAC controls in their original position. Then also the tablet is really more down and out of sight. Sort of! Not bad!





This option is a bit more custom. HVAC controls go out of the dash as well as the head unit, and are both replaced by a custom mount and the tablet. This tablet will be able to actuate out and remove and when ready to go, slide in and actuate in.

Down below it, is where the Head unit will re locate to. It'll center on the console, and stay centered with the tablet. Give it the "all electronic" look. The head unit will be at a bit of an angle, but the instructions say it's good up to a 60 degree angle. We're looking at about 20 here. So I think it will be just fine. It'll be easy to see as well I think.

The HVAC controls will relocate to a spot next to the steering wheel. It's a cubby now, but really I don't ever use is, and with everything else being hacked up, it won't be an issue to do it here as well.





Now the pros and cons with options 1 and 2.

Pros in option 1 are just simplification. No hacking up the dash, things are built outside of the vehicle and are really a one piece thing.

Cons in option 1 are these. I'm not looking for simplified anything. I don't mind getting custom, as you all well know. But the main issue is this. The tablet down there becomes a problem because I want it to look built in while it's in the dock. I don't want to have it just sitting in there. So the issue becomes, how do I get it out of there. I'd have to make a frame and actuate the whole thing so it goes from about a 20 degree angle, to a vertical location to get the tablet to slide out, due to the angle of the dash and how far it sticks out. Really that's the only and main issue.

Pros in option 2: More custom look, nicer on the eyes, and puts the electronics in one place and looks more balanced.

Cons in option 2: There really aren't any. The only con that I can think of is the same with option 1, which I've not gotten too yet. I'll do that now.

Same Con for both option 1 and 2 - I'm planning to install a reverse camera in this beast. It's a pain to back up sometimes, and frankly if I'm towing it would be nice to see the hook up. But, I can't seem to find a way to connect to my tablet for the camera, or it's a pain and expensive to do, so I thought about this.

I bought a 7" HDMI screen for the headrests in the last build. Using a bigger screen in back, I don't need it anymore. But if I were to use it for this camera it would be perfect. I could also connect it and if I get a movie on the tablet that I can't watch from the tablet while in HDMI mode, I can have it routed to the monitor. Killing two birds with one stone.

In these two applications I don't really have any where to put the monitor. I thought about putting it in the ceiling, above the rear view mirror, but I'm not sure if it will fit there. It would have to be custom of course but I'm not scared of that. So it is an option.

Let's move on to the final option!

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This is the last option I came up with and frankly I like it the best!


It's pretty much a modified version of Option 2. The head unit slides over, and the monitor goes on the passenger side right next to it. BADA BING!!




If you look at the second picture here, it just shows, it looks balanced even though there are so many pieces in there. I like it alot.

I thought of a couple other options.

1) moving the monitor to center, and the head unit below it - Just didn't work for me. The head unit is gonna be real far down and not sure how it would work.

2) moving the monitor to center, moving the HVAC controls to the ceiling or storage area, and the head unit to the cubby area where the HVAC controls are looking to go now.

The cubby next to the steering wheel, here:


Don't really like the flow of that, and I think the head unit is too far down and out of the way. I think it wouldn't flow very well.

3) HVAC controls stay in that cubby, and the head unit goes to the ceiling above the rear view mirror. Big custom job there!

So there it is. That's what's up for debate! The sides will get a trim piece that will be curvy. I just wasn't going to d it now on sketch up. I'll do it later if I have more time. But try and use your imagination for it.

So I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Weigh in on it in my build log, linked below! Thanks for tuning in! We're getting closer to a start on this! This is really the last of the design phase. When I get this decided, I'll be only waiting on time!

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So these aren't great pictures, but this is what I was thinking about for the monitor position, replacing the rear view mirror. Thinking I'm going to use two cameras, one in the bumper for backing up, and a second in the cargo light on the cabin to act as a rear view mirror to show on the monitor.

From the driver side:




Passenger side:




And this is the little wire diagram I came up with on MS Paint! It basically uses the relay as a switch to switch back and forth between the two, using the reverse light to activate the coil on the relay which will close the switch, in turn turning off the rear view mirror camera and turning on the back up camera. The RCA's will go in a "y splitter" and into the one video input.


I guess, I could just got with option #3 as well, and still use this design, the only problem then is, instead of just moving my eyes I'll actually have to kind of look down to see the rear view mirror, so to speak. I do like it up there in place of the actual mirror though. Maybe I'll just take my chances. Especially if it's gotta come off anyway. I'll decide soon!

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Ok so I decided to nix the monitor up there and go with option 3 on the console. This will put the head unit down there, and the monitor next to it directly under the tablet. I think this is ultimately the best place. Why do I think that, because someone brought up from another site, that since the rear view mirror is coming down cause it'll get beat to hell, what do we think is going to happen to a monitor with components up there. Ya, bad move. Otherwise I love it and I'd keep it up there. SO, back to it, the monitor will go in the console, see option 3 on the console drawings, and the rear view mirror will come out, and the cameras will go in.

Moving on!

I came back from my run today at lunch, and found a little somethin somethin waiting for me! What ever could it be!?!



Yes, it's a brand new, let me say that again, a BRAND NEW Soundstream Rubicon Rub 4.600 amplifier. Should've bought brand new in the first place. Stupid me! Anyway, this in one of two. I'm waiting for the return money from the first set that I returned, and I'll pick up the second one.

Beautiful Plastic, has not been touched!


"Isn't she lovelyyyyy isn't she wonderrrrfulll", love the classic songs!




So there it is! One of two, two of two soon to come. Once I get the second amp, I'll have all the equipment for the cabin work to be done! Well I take that back, i'll need to get a 10" monitor still, but I can wait on that a bit I think!

That's all for now!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to do a temporary box for the 8's in a temporary set up so i have some bass going in the truck. Check it out!

Ok so here are some pics of what I got done yesterday. I may change up the port now though. I think it needs a bend in it, cause the more I look at it the more I'm worried about unloading issues. Check it out, let me know what you guys think!

Remembering that this is just with the scrap I have around the house. I was trying not to use my birch cause I would like to use that sheet for the doors that have to get done. But I had some scrap birch around, aside from the sheet, and a full sheet of 1/2" MDF as well. So that's what I'm using.

Drawing out the cuts.



Now, to put it together!


Glued and screwed! I thought about using finish nails, but I had limited time to work on this, I think about 3 hours, and I was frankly too lazy to walk out to the shop to get the nails. So I used the screws I had right inside the garage! LOL!





Both sides on, read for a top and bottom! Again glued and screwed!




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All together. Now time for the port!





So this is what I was looking at last night and thinking about. It's just a straight port and the subs will be on the other side opposite the port. SO the port is facing right at the subs. This is why I'm worried about the unloading issues. I may re do it and wrap it up and back. Not sure that makes sense but basically take it and bend it up and back facing the side. Not sure if side facing or if up facing the port will be best. If I face it up out of the top, then it'll be going up behind the seat and out. On the side, I have about 5-6 inches before the side panel on the truck. Suggestions are welcome!




Tacked the back on, it's not glued or attached permanently. But this is basically what it will look like when I'm done!


So I took the back off then, and set it down and puddled a nice bead of glue all around the whole interior. Went and looked at it today and it's dried nicely. Although now I have to take the port out and redo it. Oh well!


So there it is. I'll try and work on it some more tonight, but I doubt I'll be able to touch it before the weekend. We'll see.

For comments, questions, or the behind the scenes chatter, check out my build log linked in my signature! Thanks for watching!

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Ok little box update. Not able to work on it right now. Spending quality time with my baby girl while her sister and my wife are at a birthday party. Just thought I'd throw a little teaser up here for everyone to see.

This is the opposite side of the box, but you get the idea! Maybe I can get some work done tomorrow, or later tonight. We'll see! PICS!!!!



That's all for now!

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Well I had a little set back this weekend. Friday night went out with my Mom and Family (wife, kids) in her van for dinner. Got home and went to let my daughters out of the van via the sliding door, got distracted and while reaching for the sliding door ended up shutting to front door on my left ring finger! EFFING HURTS!!! Anyway, it's in bad shape!



It's actually worse today. About 80% of my nail is black, the finger is about close to twice the size, and I'm most likely going to loose the nail! Good times! SMH! But alas, I press on! I did manage to man up and get some work done, painful as it might be! At least I'm right handed so that helps!

I've decided pretty much to leave the port the way it is. It's only a temp set up, and I have a feeling it's not gonna be in here long. So onto yesterday's work.

It was time to get these subs cut in and fitted. Thanks to DC Audio for giving me this nice cardboard template. Fits within an 1/8" for the cutout. So I used that to lay it out and then cut the inside of the line. Should make for a nice tight fight!


The other two marks with the circles around them are where the threaded rods will be going. I'm using 3/8" threaded rods with nuts and washers. Do I need it, maybe not, but it's only 1/2" that I'm using so I wanted to make sure it wasn't gonna move to much.


Little liquid therapy, and my jig saw. Now, normally I'd say never operate a power tool while under the influence of alcohol, but..............wait what am I talking about, I'd never say that. Enjoy, cheers! Just try not to loose any fingers!



Mmmmmmm sexay!!



Now I was already going to put a top panel on, a flush mount panel if you will, but I was originally going to put on a 1/2" panel. After some thought and putting a piece up next to the subs, I decided it wasn't going to be enough. So I decided to go with a 3/4" piece. However the downfall is, I don't have one that's long enough to go all the way across. So I decided to just do over the subs.



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