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Certain kind songs hertz can cause protection if not tuned box?


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Hi guys sorry for the late reply anyway...

Before we go any further... first all he was one of my old friend I've knew him since high school he told me he got a system and I never asked him about his voltage and he had no idea and I told him get a stinger voltage meter and he said he will get that install and I said good then he gave me a demo of "his songs" and I asked if I can play my decaf songs and he let me proceed once low hertz song hitting he was impressed with my song but 1 minute later it went in protect mode and he said, "Oh don't worry just gotta restart the car and play again" I was starting to realize he is running stock electrical system in his car and I asked what kind battery he has he knows about XS power so then I would automatic assume he knows about voltage and all other stuff... but he didn't, because the professional installed the battery for him and the big 3... are you fucking kidding me?! :WTFBubble:

So today this morning...I asked if I can look around your system and under his hood and I did check his battery under-hood voltage with my DIMM, you guys were right he is hitting lowest at 9-10 voltage but keep in mind I asked him to play at half volume not "demo level volume" and wow I was incredible shocked seeing he is hitting 9-10.40 voltage average according to my DIMM!

I did told him about and adding more alternator at least 300 amps for that certain kind of system and add 2 more XS power battery in the back ASAP!
In total his system he got it installed by a professional... I could have done it for him for free... but its too late, they charged him about close $600 installation because they said per amps installed cost $250 mad rip off not to even mention he bought those kickers off Amazon Solo Baric $330 in all 4 total just about $1300. He was really lucky he got those 2 amps for insane cheap price. In overall he does have a really nice system car but you guys are right if he does keep it up playing at low voltage he will start frying his components because of heating stress the battery/alternator sending to amps and other components.
I told him about getting those upgrades and he said he'll consider it later when he feels like and have the money. I don't even know what else to say...even the professional installer didn't even adjust the gain settings and or recommended upgrades for the electrical circuit OR warn him about his danger voltage...!
I would assume that the subs he ordered off amazon here the link
Also other thing is I wouldn't say he clueless about audio system he knows most part of it but he just have no idea about that unexpected power to handle his tahoe.

2 12 Kickers CVR | Kenwood 9105D @ 2 Ohms | Box tuned 39 hertz low custom | Nissan Maxima 01 SE 3.5 | I have no idea what my dB at :shrug:

"If you hear me Booming around the block then you better be prepared to call the police on me before I drive-by your house!" :roflmao: :asskiss:

"Boom cars so goddamn loud it ridiculous, hey excuse me what about your fartcan back of your car vroom, vroom!" :crazy:

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