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Second Skin Audio

4th Order help, or confirmation. Want to get building next week.


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It is low, but you can get away with it sure to the nature of efficiency with the port style. Square port will work but will need to be pretty big to operate correctly. I would think a 6" per would sadly be enough Scott. 4"ers would worry me though for possible port noise.Would you be able to slap together a single walled enclosure in a couple hours just to test the design?

Im not the one you want to try to troll. Just a fyi for you.

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I'm sure I could. It won't just slide in though. I'd have to build it in the trunk.

The 15sq in per foot for an aero is pretty high though isn't it? Shouldn't it be more around 12 for those?

Or am I over thinking it? Wouldn't be the first time I've done that lol!

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Scott, you won't get noise with two 6"ers I don't think. that's what I was thinking though if you could also together a box and check it out for yourself and THEN make your pretty box. I know how you are, you're twice as meticulous and anal as I am, and I think a mocked up box to just figure it out would be worth your time.

Im not the one you want to try to troll. Just a fyi for you.

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