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Titan Z

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Aww yiss, Linus Sebastian. I tune in to Linus's show every week and am subbed to all 3 of his YouTube channels. He puts out some good content. But I still have to disagree with him.

Titan Z is still going to be a gaming card. It's not designed to be a gaming card - it's designed for CUDA developers and programmers who will use all of that FP64 performance. But when it hits the market it will be the fastest card bar none (unless AMD can crank out a monster dual-Hawaii card that comes with some monster stock OC on it) and it will most certainly be in quite a few dream-budget-balls-to-the-wall gaming rigs.

There is still a merit to Titan Z over two 780 Ti's or Titan Blacks - density. Titan Z allows you to have the power of two 780 Ti's in SLI on a single board. That means a mini ITX case can truly be just as powerful as some of the fastest desktops out there. It also means you can have quad-SLI and still have slots open for PCIe SSD's or RAID cards or whatever. It's insanely cost-prohibitive but if you have the money it's now possible.

wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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I agree. My 780 SLI setup is overkill right now and I have a 30" 2560x1600 monitor. As 4K slowly becomes a new standard in the next year or two then crazy powerful GPU setups will make sense again but I see people buy a 780 Ti or SLI two 780's and they're playing on a single 1080p screen and it's just stupid absurd overkill.

Why you got to hate on my 780ti's in sli?

You jealous of my single 1080p screen.

Now I just want to order a 3rd!

I blame Asus for my ROG monitor not being released yet!

lulz, but really I do want a 3rd...

I dont see it even being close to overkill on a single 1080p monitor since battlefield 4 still runs like crap due to its "optimization" seeing large drops to 30fps on ultra settings which these 2 "absurd overkill" cards should handle.

and in 1-2 years as 4k comes into the market more and more, the titan z will be outdated, buy some new card again

Battlefield 4 was the most disappointing $70 I've spent in a while :(

ASUS really needs to push their SWIFT monitor out sooner rather than later. Several companies are starting to release 60hz 28" 4K monitors for $700-800. If the ROG SWIFT is still hanging around $800 when it is released it will be a tough sell for some users and I'm not sure if ASUS will make another updated 4K model in the future if the first model doesn't sell too well.

wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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