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Well I work for the Lowes Distribution Center in Garysburg NC. Well basically we had a new girl that's been there about 3 week's riding around on her Raymond Pacer...I don't know how many of you know what that is but it's just a electric fork lift. Well she's the type that doesn't like to plug to stop and just jump's off and let's the foot brake pop up and stop the machine. Well evidendtly she didn't do her equipment safety checklist and didn't realize her foot brake wasn't working. Well she jumped off in front of a yellow saftey fence where the restroom's were at and the pacer didn't stop...she jumped up on the fence and got one leg out the way but the other was crushed between the walkie and the pole of the safety fence which is concreted about 6 inches into the ground so it's going to take alot to move it. It basically shattered her ankle to the point where it was bulging through the skin. Blood was shooting out everywhere, it was a pretty sickening sight. What made it worst was it to the EMS almost a entire HOUR to get there while she sat there bleeding with people trying to help stop it. It was a pretty nasty site after she was gone with a blood covered pacer and puddle's and puddle's of blood on the floor. I felt bad for the guy's that had to clean that and the pacer up. But from what I heard later on through my lead she's doing fine and it's being transferred to a better hospital, I believe she was being sent to a hospital in Pitt. But yea just wanted to get that off my mind before I went to bed. Ya'll have a good night, well day since it's 8am. Thnxs for listentin well readin...

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X3 on the drawn-up pics!  I've never seen something that bad before in the places I work.  However, I'm a Loadmaster for ABX Air and we just recieved a safety bulletin that stated that some ramp worker at an airport had his leg run over by an airplane and required amputation.....hmmmm---that would be a sight to see.  The other bulleting told of a guy who was too close to a running jet engine and had the safety cone he was holding sucked in.  He was pulled to saftey before he could run through the "meat grinder"

Lol, anyway...pics please!

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damn sucks for the girl, but she should have known better, similer happened where i was working one summer, a guy forgot to put a garbage truck in park and he got out and it rolled back and squashed a guy against a wall x.x wasnt a good site at all, after that i got layed off cause the place got shutdown for a couple months for investigation and such

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