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Sundown Audio

1000watt amp at 2ohm


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I was saying, DIS CON TIN UED. I'm talking about current models, not something that never sold, so they still have it in the warehouse. I can post links to "1000 watts @ 2 ohm" amps for less than $200 all day, if you want, but the OP stated he wants a "solid" amp, so I won't. So again,

Which are both discontinued models, and still not $300. You could probably still find one, somewhere, but you'd better hope it is VERY reliable, because you will have hell getting it replaced, and probably even repaired, since it is discontinued. But like I said, "there are MANY reliable amps that will actually do 1k at 2 ohm", but not for $300. There may be one or two that will do 1k at 2 ohms for $300, but how long will they last, and you better jump on them at $300, or they will be gone. And I simply gave 2 examples or reliable amps that will do 1k at 2 ohms, didn't says they are the only 2 out there that will.

Edit: The RF you linked also does not have a sub-sonic filter, which the OP also stated he needs.

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