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These Guys Don't F*ck Around

Guest DC Power Kyle

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^^ lol most def. if u hit a deer with that u wouldnt be able to eat it or hang it because it would just be a big puddle of blood lol



"98crewcab"Never a POS....just always "a work in progress" lol that's how we roll bitches!!!

Your a lowlife kid. I bet your mother wants to kill herself for not swallowing your ass.

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when bush came to my town my uncle (chief of police) had to give orders to the secret service (ex secret service atleast my uncle was) i got to see the denali and the charger that he had... the denali had 3 8ghz computers in it running free bsd based os's and a very very very hackable satellite connection the charger had well over 600 horses and sounded like a damn prius. both had run flat tires (SOLID RUBBER) and were all emp protected... it was amazing.. the wouldnt let me take pictures of it for "national security" but hell me and a couple of friends pointed something out about their satellite connection and they just blew me off... then the next day it all got switched around... stupid government. im not a big fan of bush but what he had for equipment was amazing esp the GIANT speaker thing that i have only seen in huge form but it was handheld... it broke windows.. idk what it was but it gave a blast that would knock you off your feet. (proof about my uncle his name is edward mcculskey he is the chief of police for owego new york... look it up lol imm not bullshitting.



The set up your talking about would sound great in my Tahoe. Trade you my dog for it. He has one eye but that only makes for bad depth perception so hey so what if he is running into shit, look at it this way he is easy to sneak up ninja style on. (right side only)

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