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4 Ascendant SMD 18's, 36kwrms!! - teamSPB Project D*FN U...NEW UPDATES! 9kwrms PER SMD!!

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Cheers for the kind comments so far guys!

Not much has been done to the vehicle at the moment due to other work ive had on as well as being let down by the guy who was originally doing the alts...

This coupled with my batteries still not arriving...has actually...believe it or not...pushed me away from the Previa a little :(

Along with the fact my Focus RS is currently running a little rough (possible MAF issue), moral is currently very low!

Hold your head up high and battle on as they say!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update guys.....Nothing to update LOL!!!

The car has been to 2 alt people and they either cant find the time or just dont seem interested to help...so my alts are STILL sat here gathering dust!

Im going to give it a go myself once I have a bit of spare time...so will definately keep you updated in the meantime...however, if anyone knows of anyone who will be willing to take on the job PLEASE let me know!

In all honesty I have just been enjoying the system for what it is at the moment...its actually TOO loud for 'Joe Bloggs' as a daily and TBH most of the time im just cruising around just cranking literally anything and everything...the system is TRUELY built to play EVERYTHING! Those who have been to our local cruises will know....Madonna, MJ, Marvin Gaye, Pussycat Dolls, and LOADS of the good old bhangra and OLD skool punjabi music!

Update on the batteries...apparently they have arrived in the UK so hopefully ill be getting those this coming week...

The SPL D5 has also been sold, awaiting the final payment for it then its time to start collecting my SPL Dynamics ICE 3500d's....all 8 of them!

SO...whats left to do....

Get batteries

Get SPL Dynamics ICE 3500d's

Install alts

Install amps

Install batteries

Make everything look pretty

Start breaking more things!

Went to Ace Cafe last night for the Jap Vs German night and took some photos that I thought I would show on here...



This is my everyday ride height!!!!!!


This is it on the lowest setting








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