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Everything posted by 2000LaDe

  1. On that sweep it broke a 50 in the low 20sbut I would have to meter it to know for sure. Realtime doesn't update quick enough for a sweep to see
  2. Stuck in my 2nd traffic jam trying to go home. I'm sitting here not even moving outside knoxville
  3. even if the number didnt go up im super happy with the way it sounds. its loud no matter what i play which is awesome. very flat to the ear thats for sure. i still have to seal up the port to the back of the cab because there are huge leaks there but im not really going for numbers but im happy. something i can turn up and let play for hours on end without having to worry about my equipment. voltage drop lastnight after playing it for a long time was only dropping to 15.8v from 17.3v. and that was at higher freq songs because my impedence rise isnt nearly as high im sure thats probably why its loud no matter what i play.
  4. ive been doing all my work at home. but i was there today welding up the braces and finishing up some of the wiring.
  5. got bracing unfortunetly the top and bottom didnt turn out like i planned but i might be able to fix what i think might be the prob. still works either way. got my flux caps working finally. got my chasis grounds all bolted up. switch for the amps and switch for the flux caps so i can turn them on and off when i decide i want to use them. im pretty much ready to go down to NC now. only have to finish up a few things when i get there but it wont be bad! oh ya all the amps turned on and only blue lights WOOT o ya the bracing is not bolted down its just pressed in.
  6. ill be going to NC thursday so ill be there thursday evening. prolly wont have it playing till friday night or saturday who knows. as long as i hooked everything up correctly haha. too many variables right now. hope all the amps work since they were new but never tested before i took them
  7. i actually just bought 4 farmers dozens from delphi for my dad this past weekend. shit was the BOMB! if its free ill take all you can carry haha.
  8. i got mine a couple months ago. as far as i know they are shipping now. pretty sure i had the first one. i preordered it from him like 8 months ago when i seen that he was producing it. it was exactly what i needed so i got it.
  9. through the windshield at night with my shop light in the box. get the idea how it will be when i decide to put some led's in the box. got most of the box painted white to so it will reflect the different colors of led's. got the port almost finished
  10. any hatch can be loud. but to get louder the crx's shape and dash and everything inside it make it the best for spl. they peak higher too.
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