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Everything posted by 2000LaDe

  1. thx everyone. my setup compared to the other 2 setups arent even comparable. i dont have NEAR as much money involved in mine AND i can see out my backwindow haha. but its awesome im leading. makes me feel better like i did a good job or something. now i just need to finish it up. lots of fiberglass work to be done to my ride in the future. doorpods/kicks/ ALOT of fiberglass work to be done. thx guys
  2. :innocent: RE-cone haahahaha :sorcerer:
  3. i can see out my rear just fine and can seat 5 well not technically yet but as sooon as my other amps come in and i build amp racks for them. :sorcerer:
  4. no SoundCheck is in lafayette IN. and i help out around here. so i dont technically work there.
  5. http://forum.realmofexcursion.com/showthre...ghlight=january vote for me!! system of the month yo!
  6. xbconnect is a free version u run on ur computer. its like xbox live in a sense.
  7. send it in for warranty. mine was like that when i bought my bfg 6800 oc. sent it in twice cuz they sent the same card back and it didnt work. but finally they sent a new card cuz i bitched them out for sending me the same card twice when i told them it didnt work. but i love this video card for the price.
  8. im to cheap to buy XBL so i use XBCONNECT! guys should get on it and ill challenge in COD3
  9. anybody too cheap like me to pay for xbox live and use XBConnect cuz its free?? if so let me know. i got Gears of War today and COD3... BADASS!!
  10. how bout i just answer him. yes they are in the process of getting 4 channel amps made. but the company has to get off the ground before it can just make every type of audio out. startin with the adassa audio Ripper 110 which is the head unit. then they made some subs and now they are making thier powerfull amps.
  11. 1 of the MA 18" subs sold. 2 NIB left 1 out of box left. thx guys
  12. F.S. Modded MTX 1501d was used to power a single Treo SSX18 at 1ohm. im asking 250 plus shipping. thx guys.
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