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Everything posted by bumassjeff

  1. hey this is still available right? if so pm me your paypal and money will be in yo bank today
  2. Im selling them on ebay check it if ur interested!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=015
  3. bahaha i saw this a few days ago and cant seem to stop watching it lmfao
  4. I cut this part out of Tag Teams - Whoomp there it is. Anybody know any of the names of these songs? Mostly looking for the first song it starts out with. I got Whip it already that was a given. Whoomp there it is Old SCHOOL.wav
  5. oops nvm my ass didnt even read the whole post so nvm i c there only til tuesday
  6. im interested but wont have all the money til next thursday :-\ so if theres one left or if you could hold one for me that would be awesome just lemme know thanks!
  7. If sub is still up by next thursday ill definently take it for 450
  8. haha well i couldnt pick up that much on the camera but they were pretty nasty
  9. Finally got around to wet sanding my headlights :-D yucky!! yummy!!
  10. haha dude trust me im 100% set on getting one next week im so excited!
  11. ok so if i invert the sub i have to switch + to - and - to + and also reverse the phase??
  12. haha ya they are so sex :-D just hoping that they sound alright because its that or re build a box
  13. meow?? change the wiring? heh never heard that one i didnt reverse the wiring with my 2 12'' Cvx's and they seemed to be fine...
  14. quick question im thinking of getting one next week and was just wondering do you guys think these subs would sound fine inverted in the sub box like magnet out of box and not in??? just curious cuz box build didnt end up like expected and only way i can make it work now is if i invert the sub so plz lemme know if possible thanks!
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