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Everything posted by Twigz

  1. this is his quote and i 100% respect that. "as for "going to far" all i can say its my life, my time ,my money, and my body and ill do whatever the fuck i want with it and to hell with anyone that says otherwise". Part of living is to test the human bodies limits & capabilities and this is just another way to do it I wouldn't reccommend it but the dudes got some serious balls to do all that to his body because i'm sure it hurt worse than getting your nuts kicked in 100 times over.
  2. lol, I know the name of it I'm just really tired and don't really give a shit. sum1 pointed out the correct name and than I remembered what it's called. =P i'm going to bed now.
  3. oh jesus...... now the threads gonna be "who can lick their elbow"
  4. YES! lol I'm just brain farting all night. I'm depressed without my bass =( thanks, yah put me out of my misery =P I still don't mind looking like a jack ass lmfao. I hope this thread will help other rookies like me and prevent them from getting shocked, or being "pussies" we should have a try to lick your elbow competition.
  5. lmfao. it's a metal Wrench. you have a bunch of different size tools you can use. Attached to the wrench is a little square with a Circle. You can take off and attach these metal rings to it. You than have a circle with a big I in it. You can turn it left or right to even loosen or tighten "bolts" "nugs" ect. I agree with just saying "correct tools" lol. see the metal shit? it's like that but not as big.
  6. it's like a metal circular screw thing that you use to put shit in place. Basically the fuse holder has 4 washers, 2 little golden rings, and 2 nugs. you can't use a screw driver or flat head to tighten or loosen the nug you need a metal tool I 4-get the name.
  7. i dunno wtf I would do without this forum, you guys saved me from going to a shop and being charged this and that where I can just come on here for free and come up with ideas and solutions and trouble shoot it step by step. I think we need to make a Dedication Page for SMD. I read your edit and it makes sense. slim8605 is gonna come over tommorrow and help me just to make sure I don't fuck it up. the allen Wranch is on the terminal, but to install the fuse and keep the terminals in place I use that metal Wrench thing with big circles, and I tighten or loose the nug that's putting metal on metal. So, as long as the power wire isn't in the amp, than I can tighten the nug to secure the fuse without getting shocked right? lol i'm such a pussy now all this shock shit, I just dont wanna get electricuted.
  8. Step 1: Take fuse cover off Step 2: Unbolt the metal nugs and take the fuse out. Step 3. Connect power wire to the amp terminal. Step 5: Re insert 200A fuse to the holder. Ok, I gotcha. When I connect the power wire into the terminal theyll be no sparks, when I put the fuse back onto the holder it'll spark but that's normal... what about when I gotta tighten the bolts touching metal on metal I won't get shocked?
  9. ok, correct me if i'm wrong on this. Step 1: Take fuse cover off Step 2: Unbolt the metal nugs and take the fuse out. Step 3. Connect power wire to the amp terminal. Step 4. Disconnect the Ground from the amp. Step 5: Re insert 200A fuse to the holder. Step 6: Re Insert Ground into amp Terminal step 7: jump up and down in joy and hope it don't blow to hell?
  10. so, I noticed when the fuse sparked it never popped, so if it sparks again my fuse won't pop? i dont have any more fuses :mad:. Before I put the power wire back in do I disconnect the ground from the amp, or do I do that after the power wire is in it's terminal?
  11. slim if ur reading this which I know u are, get back to me on pm and lemme know if u can drop by tommorrow. thanks for all the help guys i'm suprised so many viewers probally looking at me like a jack ass but I admit i'm probally the only car audio rookie on this site.... atleast I admit it =). so, some one type out step by step list for me to do 1st to last so I know what to do. The power wire is disconnected but connected to the fuse terminal and 200A fuse is in place. the ground is connected to the amp.
  12. I was thinking that =). I figured if I kept the power wire inside the terminal and undid the ground it would stop the current right? the fuse is already inserted though with the cover on, and bolts on.... as long as the 0 gauge wire isnt connected to the terminal I can take the fuse out? all I want is the 0 gauge wire into the terminal :mad: that will complete my set up. i dont wanna die doing it though.
  13. it's a MMATS DHC 1400.2 I don't think it has fuses on the outside..... so it's safe for me to plug the 0 gauge wire into the terminal even when it sparks long as I don't touch anything metal and once it goes in, it should stop sparking?
  14. yah, but am i gonna get electricuted lmfao. that's my main concern. Also, when I put it into the terminal is my amp gonna blow? u know paranoid shit like that is going thru my head right now. I was also wondering I have to use an Allen wranch to loosen the terminal to get the wire in and tighten it, if I put the metal to metal will that cause a spark if the 0 gauge wire isnt in the terminal yet? i'm very paranoid right now.
  15. Ok, I took the old amp out because it goes into Protect mode mmats DHC 1400.2 modded with capacitor we all know this. I hooked up the second amplifer and I have the fuse connected to the fuse holder, I have the ground wire connected to the amp, the power wire is not connected to the amp but is connected to the terminal, the speaker wires & remote wire is in. When I went to put the Power Wire 0 gauge into the terminal it sparked at me. This also happened when I had the power and ground in the amp and was putting the fuse in it also sparked. So, why the fuck is it sparking, and why cant I just have my system back I seriously don't wanna go back to the shop and be charged $45.00 for an amp install. This shit never happened with my fucking other car a 1997 Beretta, and Cavalier, ran off a 60 & 80A fuse, battery was under the hood, I took the fuse out of the holder, and I was fine putting the wires in the amp, was able to put fuse back in with no sparks and wah lah so why is this so difficult :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: here's pictures of the wireing. Basically what they did was took the 0 gauge wire, added a terminal, put the power wire into the amp, and connected it to left side of fuse holder bolt. They took more 0 gauge wire and connected that to the positive side of my battery under the trunk and connected that to the fuse holder. They took the Ground wire connected to the amp and I dunno where they grounded it but I edited my mistake it's not connected to the battery. I don't know please throw insults, noob attacks, w.e just put me out of my fucking misery and solve this for me the main issue is I can't get the Power wire inside the terminal without it sparking, and I'm afraid to take the fuse out cuz that involves metal, and since theirs current i'll get fucking shocked trying to unloosen the bolt so i just wanna shoot myself. the problems fixed, amps hooked up and subs wanging =)
  16. I've played Super Smash Brothers on n64, and than game cube, and now finally after 1 year 1/2 on the wii. if you got a Wii, get this game that's all I can say. www.supersmashbros.com
  17. First thing you wanna do is get a Debit Card. once you get the hang of using a Debit card get a credit card. I started out with 400, went up to 800, and now i'm at 1100 and only have the card for I think not even 6 months. Start out using your card for gas, ciggerettes, or cheap food. Another thing you need to know is, if your bill is $200 dollars and it's due at the end of the month and you use the card again and say you spend $250, you now have to pay an extra $250 in the same month. I owe $321 on my card =) but that's the last time i'll be using it for a while. The more money you spend the more credit you get if you pay it off with no late fees. hope that helped.
  18. i ran the same amp, on a 60A fuse in a 1997 Beretta with no problem. the fuse never popped and the gain was half way. the amps are in MINT Condition. I'm waiting for my neighbor to finish eating he said he's gonna come over and help me mount the box and hook the wire up n shit. i'm gonna keep the gain really low and volume half way. I need some kind of bump till I get my new shit.
  19. what they did doesn't seem that complicated. I don't understand how it took them from 9 am until 2 pm just sodder terminals, connect the power to the battery, and ground, the speaker wire I dunno how they did that but I only had them do this becaue TEAMBASSINURFACE and I are no longer in touch, and I can't void warranty.... Im thinking about putting a Kinetic Battery to replace the stock.
  20. der u go meade people been asking me to show pictures of the install to find out why i'm blowing a 300A fuse, so here u go. me and my neighbor are gonna mount the other amp to the box, and install it ourselves and see if same thing happens this is a 200A fuse instead of 300A.
  21. I realized the amp can push out close to 6000 rms so I'm just gonna run the GP 3000 to both subs, and it'll be fine. x2 on the lvl 5 coils.
  22. haha, lemme know how that goes. i'm still going back n forth with pm's with rusty I'm gonna be running 12's. u gonna have a box build? I need to see this.
  23. Well, I'm giving up on going on all MMATS, I guess it's better to not have a modded amp. I'm pissed cuz I blew $800 dollars.....and I could of used that to get the Crunch GP 3000. When I first heard about Crunch GP 3000 the cheapest price I could find it for was $600. Now I'm seeing it go for under $500. I've checked all the threads on DC's page on Lvl 4's and im pretty sure they can handle 3000 rms each. I'm still waiting on Rusty's pm, first thing I gotta do is pay off my credit card 300+ dollars ouch.... Than I gotta wait for my tax return money =). But my next build will be 2 Lvl 4's if Rusty hooks me up =). I gotta sell my P3's. people who have run Lvl 4's has any one done them in the trunk yet or am i gonna be the 1st? I probally won't be doing the box slim8605 has a buddie who does custom boxes for real good prices =) or perhaps i'll just stick to my current box hehe it gets loud and is tiny.
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