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Everything posted by Twigz

  1. i've only been into car audio like really into since 2005.. I been going to this forum since 2007. I've done all my own research and shit, but never got to do really any hands on shit. Sorry to say I don't know that person I live by Chicago. the only show I went to was IA somtin hosted in Chicago once a year. they don't offer warranties, on the fuse it would be an extra $25.00 or somtin. a buddie RollinSoSlow, I think is his name is shipping me a a bunch of fuses for free =) now I know how to change the fuse, I'm going to run my own test by disconnecting the current amp, hooking up the Rockford P600 amp, and messing with the volume to see if the fuse will blow. I think they grounded it in my trunk, and connected it to the battery... I dunno I havent had time to check the install it's too cold.
  2. shit man, our neighbors was on vacation and we got hit with 6 inches, andthe neighbor next door and me and my brother shoveled their drive way while they were gone. that sucks, how come u got a bad chest? I get tired shoveling the drive way to, I got back problems, leg problems, I get tired just going up the stairs. I'm on day 4 of not smoking so my breathing is better hehe. that sucks though our winter is almost over. and it's already march. probally wont be done until end of march.
  3. the shops located in Crest Hill, ILL. the fuse didn't melt it blew? I didn't do the install they did it. I never had the fuse blow before. their telling me I need a new amp fuck that I spent $450 for each amp and their in Mint Condition.
  4. fuck that shit, i dont even know how ur gonna get ur car out lol.
  5. Ok, I went to the shop and I told them, it's bull shit to pay $275.00 and than you tell me to test the system out and if the fuse pops, than come back, he never said it would be a $45.00 charge to replace the fuse. he also has been giving me shit when i told him bout TEAMBASSINURFACE, being MECA certified, and he was dissing my box, saying the ports were on the wrong side, and acting like we dunno what were doing, and trying to get me to have a new box build I told him listen I understand this is a business but I don't think you give a shit about customer service. It would of took him a minute to go out side, take the fuse out, and put the new one in but he said no because he's 2 hours behind on a project talking to customers and blah blah blah. He also said that he's never wrong just for the fact he's been doing the job for 20 years. Steve meade's been doing the job for 20 years and he still makes mistakes why? cuz he's human. This shop is full of shit. So, I asked him how the fuse pops out, and he said just pull off the cover haha that's where im JACKASS i'll admit, I need a wrench to get the fuse out. The fuse is Stinger, 300A, and I have a 200A. I told him I don't wanna stop doing business with you guys but he's pushed me too far. I've wrote negative threads bout the shop before but I gave them another chance and their gonna fuckin say my amp is bad, when I ran the same amp MMATS DHC 1400.2 on a Beretta 1997, and Cavalier 1992, with a 80a fuse and 60a fuse and it never popped. Every time I had them do my install something fucking happened. Slim,Zeroh if your reading this point me out to a new shop located by us. a buddie on here is actually going way out of his way to help me out, and is shipping me a bunch of fuses for free, I wasnt expecting that, and I offered to give him a small shipping fee thru paypal if he wants it he just needs to pm me. I pulled the cover off the fuse and the shit was completely blown. Twigz this depresses me it really does.... this one dude was in their and they were going to charge him $1500 just for a speaker component set + install + amps + speakers. that's just fucking bull shit.
  6. they said my battery is in the trunk, and their is only one fuse installed, and thats to the battery in the trunk. I popped my hood and I didn't see any fuse holder like how I did it on the beretta and cavalier. I have a 200A fuse but they said it's $45 for them to install it? I don't even have the tools to get the fucking fuse out i'm so pissed right now, cuz I spent from 9 am until 2 pm, and $275 in the install just to have the fuse pop, and they tell me my power supply is bad? That's fucking bull shit because I ran the same fucking amp on 2 different fucking cars, a 1997 Chevy Beretta, and a fucking 1992 Chevrolet Cavalier, and the fuse was like 60A and 80A, and it never fucking popped, and plus I could set the gain at half way. The new car the gain wasnt even set past the 3rd line to half way and the shit was slamming like king kong. To make matters worse, TEAMBASSINURFACE won't pick up his phone, and won't contact me, and I dunno wtf is going on with our friendship, but if he dont help me, I dun really know anyone who would. im gonna check my email and see if the seller replied.
  7. heres pictures I took today as promised. Went to the shop today, and gave me a 200 fuse for free said it was $45 to install it though. they mounted the amp to the box go figure. the capacitor is their, it's got tape over it to hold it in place. this is the 300 fuse they put in, they connected the 0 gauge to the battery which I guess is in the trunk. I can't for the life of me figure out how to take the cap off, so I can put in the 200 Fuse. these are the subs i'm running they get LOUD this is what the seller told me to do. "you'll need 2 300amp fuses and when you turn it back on check the lights on the amps to see if they are green or red". The shop told me that if this amp is blowing a 300 fuse, than 2 of them would cause a fire, and that the installer is never "wrong". However the shop has never had experience with MMATS and this guy does, and he was the one who had them before i bought them off him. The shop ran out of fuses and said they'd have more on monday. should I go with the idea and get a Distrubution Fuse holder and have two 300 amp fuses? i'm so fucking pissed off right now.... I don't wanna go back to my P600 amp Rf.
  8. I forgot to add that. i'm running 1/0 Wire from the batt to the amp, and than they grounded it from the trunk. They also used some plexi glass thing, where they put the terminals in. I'll have pictures up tommorrow. When I popped the hood I couldn't find the fuse holder. What happened was, I waited from 9 am until 2 pm for my install. They pulled around my car and was like ur all done, than they said theirs a problem and pulled it back in, so than he told me that my amp blew a 300 watt fuse. he said it could be the power supply of the amp. So, he told me to mess around with it and today 1st time actually putting volume at full with the Bass at Neutral, the subs just shut off. I'm pretty sure the fuse popped. If the amp is fried i'm be pissed as fuck cuz i fucking paid $450 for each sub. I'll letcha know what the seller tells me cuz he was running 2 of these with 2 Kinetic 2400's and he had no power supply failure problems. was hitting 150+
  9. whats a 2007 Chevy Cobalts normal voltage opposed to be at? sum1 should know cuz everyone and their momma has a cobalt nowadays
  10. I have no idea, I don't have a ohm reader, and I don't have a voltage reader. my buddie TEAMBASSINURFACE doesn't talk to me anymore. I can't rely on him for help. he's going thru hard times or w.e and I guess he needs to stick with family instead of bass.
  11. I just saw this, that makes sense... but I don't want the amp detuned =( I heard that to modding an amp is a 50/50 chance of fail but the amp didnt fail until I turned the volume full tilt. this depresses me.... i emailed the owner and i'm waiting for his response.
  12. well, I said I needed a 300 Watt Fuse, it's a 3000 rms amp. Im running 2 of those, so I figured 300 watt fuse should be more than enough. Either, my voltage is to low with the volume all the way up, or I don't need such a big fuse like I thought, I'm gonna do a series of test i'm gonna buy a bunch of fuses, and im gonna hook up all 3 amplifers,and run a series of test. The fuse popped with the bass at Neutral, and the volume turned all the way up. I was bumping with the volume half way up or like 90% and it never popped. does any one else have any trouble shooting ideas?
  13. I have a MMATS DHC 1400.2 Modded with a capacitor. I'm running it off of 2 Punch P3's now the thing that confuses me is I was running the same set up in 1992 Chevrolet Cavalier, and on a tinier fuse and it never blew. The amps gain isn't even half way turned up and it freaking slams. I bought the amp off a guy named Tyler Durden and he said the amp was in mint condition and nothing wrong with it. The shop told me the amp could have a bad Power Supply which I highly doubt. So, i'll have pictures of the set up tommorrow, I popped my hood 2007 Chevy Cobalt, and I can't find the fuse for the life of me lol. I'm gonna go to the shop tommorrow and probally get a new Fuse put in and just keep the volume half way up. I also have another amp, same exact thing modded with a capacitor, I might hook that one up and see if it pops the fuse. I don't have the big 3 done, and I don't have back up batteries yet, and I dont know my voltage. this sucks =(
  14. Thanks for all the support guys really means a lot. Yesterday I was in school taking a DOS exam (data operating system) and I failed it miserably. I was really stressed but I didn't resort to smoking, i'm on day two right now and I have to go to work tonight so hopefully it aint stressful. I got my car system installed the other day I was their from 9 am until 2 pm. I'm running 2 P3's and MMATS DHC 1400.2 and this amp blew a 300 watt fuse lol. I got the bass on neutral and this shit slams I don't even have my gain more than half and the pressure in my car is unbeliveable I love it. I'm gonna take some pictures of what they did later on and i'll have a thread. The only thing that sucks is I have a bottle of Lighter Fluid barely used, and my Hatchetman Zippo is still filled =( Twigz keep the support coming. for those others who are willing to quit, do it today, don't wait until tommorrow.
  15. yah, this dude whos a Leader found this dog, that got his legs blown off, or somtin and only has 3 legs, he came up wif charity money and shipped the dog from Iraq to the USA. it was on the news or som shit or you tube i'm sure u can find it on the web. that's a real soldier.
  16. I would of been really upset if they shot the dog in the head, but they just threw it... I'd be happy if the puppie got up and walked away uninjured but I think they threw it off a cliff...... that's the fucked up part.... I understand being in Iraq it's hott, u got those big ass camel spiders, u gotta sleep with a pistol, u see ur friends die, but that gives u no right to harm the innocent just to satisfy your own frustration.
  17. I saw the video, read all the comments, and it's opposed to be an anti- fuck american troops video, to get you angry at them, and the video. The dude said the host of the video was very poor english. somting bout an online Anti American group thing. it's sad though, if u look more u see a dog with 3 legs, and troops are throwing rocks at it. that's another video though.
  18. k, i'll make it simple lol. i'm quitting smoking, I need support.
  19. Hey Guys, I finally turned 21 last month 2/26/08 and I told myself in 2007 I was going to quit. I got pretty drunk on my birth day and smoking and drinking was involved which is what i'm afraid of. I'm 5'6 and 110+ pounds and no i'm not anorexic I'm just a high metabolism. I finally got my system installed today and it was better than orgasming. I got a brand new car 2007 Chevy Cobalt and I really have a reason to enjoy life for a change. I do not want to end up being like those 60 year old people coming threw my work with cigarettes in their mouth and an oxygen tank and asking myself how the hell are they still alive? I started smoking at age 17 and didn't pick up on it until I was 18. Went from 2 cigarettes a day to 4, to half a pack, to a pack, to ect ect..... I told my mom to let me go ahead and get the install done because I paid a Professional to do it and it won't void the warranty. My deck has sum fucking unbelievable flexing and the bass is only in the middle and the amp isn't even past half gain. I'm running a MMATS DHC 1400.2 and two RF P3's and when i'm playing Younge Jeezey I have a hard time breathing theirs so much air flow. So, This is day one of going straight COLD TURKEY, I have gone cold turkey before but ended up falling into depression and going back to my old habits. So, I know probably a lot of people on here don't like me, or the things I have to say, or that I'm a complete noob, but I think of SMD and all members as a 2nd family and I need support. I know their was a thread like this for some one else on here and I think it helped him a lot. The reason for quitting smoking is not only my health, but the fact if I can't quit now I don't think I can quit at all without therapy, or nicotine patches or sum shit like that I don't wanna be that addicted so quit while your young right? The main reason would be I want to be a father one day, and have kids, and a loving wife and I wanna set an example for them. I'm also afraid to die, I don't wanna be 25 and find out I have lung cancer so that's also eating at me every time I light one up I get paranoid as a mother fucker. so, please show your support. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this thread and I hope to see some replies. Twigz
  20. their was this show Kenny vs's Spenny, they did Fart Wars. forget the machine they used.
  21. gonna use Stock, probally buy one off ebay in the future. I got sum buddies who could install it. worse comes to worse, i'll pay a shop. i appreciate u being concerned bout me getting jipped n shit, believe me I would love to just do my wire set up myself, it's easy as hell. But, if my dad ever finds out, I have to have a Receipt otherwise my ass is grass. i'd rather just pay and get it over with been too long without a system. soon as my install day comes up it's like having an orgy for me. i can't wait.
  22. makes sense. this is a very helpful thread I created we should have some one make a Tutorial just like the Big 3. who volunteers?
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