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mel80 last won the day on October 4 2023

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  1. took out the windshield at the last vegas show , the big boss 8 is putting out just shy of 7300w at 3.2 ohms this is the run i lost the windshield on , my peak moved up almost 6hz due to the windshield
  2. took 1st place in mod 10k yesterday at the USACi show and got edged out in street beat 3 ended up doing a 151 musical average using the streetbeat track #10 which plays in the 20hz range and then tracks 8/9 ( 30 hz range ) got me a musical average of 155 i paid for a rerun just to play track 10 and meter it to see what iwould come up with heres 2 of my favorite clips i recorded from that show yesterday
  3. set 2 new personal bests at the showdown 150db @ 490w , and a new spl best on music at 157.xx db/ 2800w as the amp died , never even got to turn it up , it apears the driver board died as the amp doesnt go into protect it just flashes the clip and protect light once its outputting a lil bit of power , amp is on its way back to taramps and will be replaced, cant wait for the new alt so i can get that in and install both 8k's
  4. heading to the showdown in 4 days got a single 8k installed lot more power now with the smart series amp, didnt have enough cable to install both amps so will install the second after this show/comp
  5. other amp input adapters and everything else i needed arrived today , i work a short shift at work tom so as long as it doesnt snow tom im gonna try to get the new amps in
  6. saving the deafbonce 16k's for when i make the move to 4x 15's picked up 2x big boss 8's to run on the 12's , going to wire 5 coils per amp in parralel for a .4 ohm load. could have ran a single deafbonce 16k but that would have put it at a .8 ohm load and dont really wanna drop that amp below 1 ohm
  7. shes startinmg to get really windy now i got it about 60-70% sealed off to the cabin right now , and this clip was shot while using the recoil amps so im getting 450-500watts per sub, cant wait to see what she does at the next comp when the deafbonce 16k or 2x smart 8 basses go in
  8. not getting the taramps 2x deafbonce 16k amps inbound instead time to get loud
  9. big update today i went up to jones subwoofer solutions today to do some testing and learned alot first up we did some testintg to see impedance at various frequencys starting at 50 hz imp is 1.6 ohms @ 40 hz were at 2.8 ohms and at 30-20 hz were holding on at anywere from 4.0-4.4 ohms so we put this think on a meter as well 20 hz burp netted me a 150 on the glass @ 372w per sub 30 hz burp netted me a 153 on the glass at about 450w per sub some changes ill be making im currently running 113 sqinch of port at 28hz tuning im going to redo the port to around 175sq inch with the low tuning #2 need more power and alot of it recoil amps are comming out and at first im going to wire all 5 subs series parrel for an .8 ohm load on a single md12000.1 half ohm model , at some point this season im going to add a second matching md12k and wire 5 coils per amp at .4 ohm #3 need to finish sealing the wall , but along with this i am doing a wood roof as ive already separated the roof skin from all the supprt braces , while im at it im going to do a wood floor as well with theese changes ill be looking to be a solid competitor in monster and cyclone/typhone classes
  10. that is with single 148ah bank im going to step it up to 3 banks here soon as im switching form the five recoil 1200.1 amps to five slapz audio shock 5ks
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