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Everything posted by pervitizm

  1. Back to the basement I go.

  2. Oh hell Hobo With A Shotgun is classic.

  3. Just woke up and decided to create a linked in account. So if you got a friends request from me on that add me please. Looks like this is going to take a minute to fully fill out.

  4. Just woke up and decided to create a linked in account. So if you got a friends request from me on that add me please. Looks like this is going to take a minute to fully fill out.

  5. I can't even describe how bad it is up here. The entire block my mom stays on is pitch black and all the power lines are down.

  6. As I stand outside in this wet weather I look up in the sky and scream "This is all that you have? This was it? I've farted more intense storms than this shit!", then lighting dropped about 800 ft away from me and I ran back inside. I may be crazy but I ain't no fool.

    1. bassinblazer


      Haha that is AWESOME!

  7. Man changing the screen protector on the phone sure does make a difference. Its as if its a brand new phone again.

  8. So now that the cleaning lady has moved in according to the wife. I guess mediation is off the table. And to think I still have love for this moron. SMH!

  9. I'll be damned if I didn't get another visit from the Fairy God Mother. Right before Easter too. Yay!

  10. Well since I don't have to be at work tomorrow I wonder what should I do. I think there is a movie I could watch. Or I could make someone laugh tonight with a silly status update. Or I can play Kung Fu Ninja with the cat. What will I do what will I do?

  11. To all my female friends can anyone tell me why I can't find bean sprouts in the grocery stores? I've been to two already and don't see shit.

  12. 3 day weekend. I need something to do after work. Who wants to hang out?

    1. OrionStang


      Go find yourself a noncomitted female for the weekend.

  13. Time to clip the cats claws again. He's fucking up my hand with them.

  14. Up after one hell of a power nap.

  15. Is so ready for my work day to be over with.

  16. Time to head into the office. Gots to get my work day completed.

  17. Well facebook since this is the end cause the weatherman said so I must confess. I have a thing for Reese peanutbutter cups and triple bacon cheese burgers. There I said it now I can die in peace with my candy and sandwich.

  18. I'm about to live dangerously ya'll I'm about to bake a pizza in the electric oven during a tornado watch. Wish me luck cause I needs to eat.

  19. I've been working since 6 this morning and I'm nowhere near done. And the Microsoft rep kinda sounds more confused about the issue than me. Maybe I should have his damn job cause he's doesn't seem to understand shit right now.

  20. Is working from home today I need to get a lot of work done and can't seem to focus while at the office.

  21. I go to my DVR to catch up on some West Coast Customs just to come back in here and see a bunch of Balderdashing going on in here. And yes Balderdash is a word. Not sure about Balderdashing but still its on the same subject matter.

  22. These are the wheels. They were on and then off the truck in a matter of an hour or so DIP 15 Libra by pervitizm, on Flickr Burban with the wheels on by pervitizm, on Flickr 205000_1822223609009_1642786608_1797555_5938420_o by pervitizm, on Flickr
  23. At work so I can't get to facebook to post pics but the wheels are not on I had them take them off till I figured out what I was going to do.
  24. Sense that this is going to be a shitty week. My assholes sense are tingling right now saying danger Will Robinson danger.

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