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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. Good night all. I'm totally drained right now and need to sleep. I may work from home tomorrow if I don't have anything on my calendar that requires me to be at the office tomorrow.

  2. Good night everyone.

  3. Good pick Rams. Make that D line a feared line to cross.

  4. Green Lantern was fantastic. A must see movie.

    1. Ji553r


      damn i wanna see that movie

    2. Ji553r


      damn i wanna see that movie

  5. Had a blast tonight with you Christa and company. And that beer does have a bit of a kick to it.

  6. Had a good time yesterday.

  7. Has decided to bake it on the phone with LaQuanda Bolton. Since her oven is already full I'm sure she has room for my biscuits.

  8. Has filed a case with the Better Business Bureau against the Hubcap and Wheel Store.

  9. He had to give her easter kisses.

  10. Health care reform, bin laden is dead, now this motherfucker needs to get gas under control. Obama for man kind.

  11. Hell yeah getting called to handle a rouge server at work right before I was about to go try and catch an early movie. Fun fun times while being on-call.

  12. Hell yeah I flipped it over

  13. Hello Randy? Billy Devaney here, I'd like ya to come on out to Earth City here and play with the Rams here. I'm willing to give ya $3 mill guaranteed. Straight Cash Homie! Straight Cash! What do say Randy, you willing to be the #1 receiver for the St. Louis Rams?

  14. Help me America. I've been kidnapped by the white body snatches. I've seen line dancing to everything including lil Jon and the east side boys. That ain't right at all.

  15. Holy fuck Bear's fans. Y'all just gave up 3 touchdowns in less than 50 seconds. I mean the Patriots are good, but your fucking Bears are making them look unstoppable.

    1. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I didn't give up shit but positive feelings for that team. It sounds crazy but the defense was only exposed because the offense can't stay on the field.

  16. Holy Jehovah's Witness my balls are tingling Batman!

  17. Home from a very long and draining day. I'm over $1000 poorer than I was this morning and I'm worried about my brother & my sister. And my sugars is back to acting crazy again. Can't wait to stop stressing over stuff.

  18. Home now and off my damn fee. I'm so happy.

  19. House is cleaned again. I guess I'll head up to my mothers house. We are BBQing over there so I'll be up north all day.

  20. How suck ass can one's life become when they are at home looking at people make mechanical cakes for a cake off on Food Network. Where did my mojo go? Oh yeah its in the kitchen about to bake a cake for Ada May.

  21. I can sense that today isn't going to be a good day.

  22. I can't even describe how bad it is up here. The entire block my mom stays on is pitch black and all the power lines are down.

  23. I go to my DVR to catch up on some West Coast Customs just to come back in here and see a bunch of Balderdashing going on in here. And yes Balderdash is a word. Not sure about Balderdashing but still its on the same subject matter.

  24. I guess I better get up and take care of the grass. Yard work for the win ;-)

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