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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. It's July 14th and yes my fuck tard ass neighbors are popping fireworks again. And not just bottle rockets. No they have the big shit. The shit that sounds like mortar strikes going off. Imperial, fireworks = winning!

  2. It's now Friday, let me go to work and figure out what I'm going to get into today after work. I already know that I'll be in the presence for the Great Golden Bear Master known as a.ka. Carl "Tickle Tits" Hertz!

  3. Its after midnight and I'm just now leaving Alton to head back home to Imperial.

  4. Its raining really hard down here where I'm at. I didn't see anything about rain today even now on the news. Yet its black and raining very hard.

  5. Jack Bauer is the love child of Chuck Norris and MacGyver. Got to love those crazy comments people leave on CNN.

  6. Just a few more hours to go and then I'll...

  7. Just an FYI I have the new Gears of War 3 and I'm looking for a squad to run through it this weekend. If anyone else has it and wants to play let me know. I want to start Friday night after work.

  8. Just cut my yard and I'm beat. Time to play halo again.

  9. Just found out that my oldest brother was diagnosed with bladder cancer this morning. Life, what a bitch.

  10. Just got a call from my lawyer today. The spouse has been served.

  11. Just had a piece of pumpkin pie. It sure was tasty too. Nowhere near Thanksgiving but what the hell, its still pie right?

  12. Just made it home from Stanley's Cigar Co. Another successful happy hour completed.

  13. Just redid my auto insurance. Either way I'm going to save a bunch of money by not switching to Gieco.

  14. Just when I think I've finally got things under control a new monkey comes in to throw his fucking wrench at me. SMH!

  15. Just woke up and decided to create a linked in account. So if you got a friends request from me on that add me please. Looks like this is going to take a minute to fully fill out.

  16. Just woke up and decided to create a linked in account. So if you got a friends request from me on that add me please. Looks like this is going to take a minute to fully fill out.

  17. Last night I went to sleep the cards were loosing like 7 to 4. I said I couldn't watch the lost. So it was a true shocker for me to see that on ESPN the cards pulled out one of the greatest comebacks in World Series history by beating the Rangers 10 to 9 in the 11th. I can't watch tonight's game at all. I watched both games 4 and 5 and the Cards lost. So go cards and good luck.

    1. hershy314


      around the bottom of the 8th the game became a roller coaster, but the Cards pulled it off...that made my night

    2. hershy314


      around the bottom of the 8th the game became a roller coaster, but the Cards pulled it off...that made my night

  18. Laughing my ass off at my older brother and the shit he says online.

  19. Lets go get the rims on the burban today please. So excited for this day.

  20. Lets see patching is now done. I even got about two hours of sleep in there as well. Now its time to cut the grass and then head to the Picnic. Hood Boyz!

  21. LOL I was just called Jelly Titties in a voice message. Damn I'm hurt I think my tits are perky and perfect.

  22. Looks like the NFC West is going through the Bay Area. They just KOed the Lions at home.

  23. Love it when the lab is broken

  24. Man changing the screen protector on the phone sure does make a difference. Its as if its a brand new phone again.

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