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Status Updates posted by pervitizm

  1. Oh what the fuck will I get into this evening?

  2. Staff meeting time! Winning like a slave worker.

  3. I'm having a mid day affair with Paula Dean and her addiction to butter ya'll!

  4. Will these damn beef ribs get done? A brotha's got to eat.

  5. True Blood what the fuck?

    1. Jd1102


      i thought it was pretty good can't wait to see more

  6. Rise and shine bitches for today is the Lords day.

  7. Watching boxing on HBO tonight bored as fuck. Lets see if there is a tornado on the way.

  8. It's now Friday, let me go to work and figure out what I'm going to get into today after work. I already know that I'll be in the presence for the Great Golden Bear Master known as a.ka. Carl "Tickle Tits" Hertz!

  9. Yeah I'm on a mission now. Operation "Surprise Bitch My Turn" is now in affect.

  10. Yeah I'm super pissed off right now. Why its doing the right thing so fucking hard? I'm trying to walk in the right path and I swear its just fucking me over and over again.

  11. Amazon came through, looks like I'm getting my money back on that hard drive deal that had gone bad. Now if only I could use them to get my money back from Hubcap and Wheel Store.

  12. I'm looking at this Law and Order SVU with Jill Scott beating her sister who suffers from MS. Man Jill Scott looks hot beating that handicapped woman with a sock full of bolts. Sexy in a psychotic crazy way.

  13. Off to the doctors.

  14. So as I sit here and listen to the lines of lies and straight bafoonary, I must say this. Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub!

  15. I've called both doctors and can't see either of them till tomorrow morning.

  16. Man I am not feeling good at all today. I think I really need to go to the doctor tomorrow.

  17. Well the time has come. I've been dreading it all week but lets face it. If I don't cut the grass now then its gonna be hell to try and do next weekend. So with that said I will go cut the damn grass. Home ownership for the win????

  18. Green Lantern was fantastic. A must see movie.

    1. Ji553r


      damn i wanna see that movie

    2. Ji553r


      damn i wanna see that movie

  19. Yes I've tested the crossover at it works. Now I can build the second one and then tomorrow install them in the base, install the speakers in the cabinets, install cabinets to bases, and then install floor speakers in living room.

  20. So lets see if I can get these crossovers done. Damn soldering iron won't cooperate with me.

  21. Crossover are like 25% complete for the new floor speakers.

  22. I've decided to sit outside on my front porch shirtless to give the neighbor and view of the big black man.

    1. Bship


      This just made my day, hah, you show that ass clown what's up.

  23. Oh and its shaved.

  24. So I guess instead of cutting the grass tonight I will play the PS3. Yup the PS3 sounds like a way better option now that I've thought about it. Thanks Sony.

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