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Everything posted by mrafrica

  1. the motor locked up on this tractor lastnight =/ so ive got to find a replacement
  2. yeah. i studdied alot of stuff on this site to use some stuff from here. and it helped out. and the bedliner idea was a good one too that i got from here.
  3. my cosuin had a supercharged buick. it was top of the line everything. it was a nice car. he sold it when the gas prices were getting high. then he got a honda civic hatch back. but that supercharged buick was alright.
  4. yeah i wish i woulda had some better ports to go with. i was gonna use 4 inch but had no money and had the 3 inch left over from making potato guns. it hits the lows pretty well. it definatly shakes the shit out of stuff. with only 400 watts i beleive is what the amp is puttin out i could feel it in school in my class thru the floor when my gf was outside to pick me up. i cant wait to get the sundown sax-3000d to put on it. but im gonna have to build another box for a new vehicle since my sister took the truck. (stupid legal issues and whatnot and shes a bitch at times) next box im gonna fiberglass instead of using wood to brace it so i will know the exact amount of space so i can get the tuning dead on.
  5. yes ik about the particle board. i just used it cause it was what was laying around. im gonna build a better box this summer. and yes i know the braces are haggered as hell. the ports are enough. they are 3 inch pcv. i used the port calculator on the12volt.com
  6. how much for shipping to 53140 wisconsin. and would that putty be hard to get off of there?
  7. yeah thats how stuff is for me. if i do give up on something when i do go back to it i master it right away. and then im wondering what was soo hard about it before. lol.
  8. ok. yeah i was really good on autocad my freshman year.(in my junior year) but then the class ended and i never was able to use it again.
  9. oh ok. are there any other things that would make it abit easier for me?
  10. ok im having abit of trouble with sketchup. how do you make a circle cutout? i can make circles on the box but i cant get them to be cutout. and how do you get like ports to extend into the box?? if anyone has any other tips id greatly apreciate them
  11. some where in the upper part of wisconsin by one of my moms friends properties someone has a work shop that looks just like a house. it even has a second level to it. the guys wife told him he had to make the work shop look like a house if he was going to build one. i guess its got an elevator in it and everything. this guy makes his own knives and sells them too. out of rail road spikes. sadly ive never seen it. i wish i had some pics of it
  12. i apoligize for not putting the link up. http://www.mymusicstream.com/music/hiphop.php
  13. i forgot my touch at home so i needed to find something to listen to and i found this site here. its all amature music i beleive. but some of the beats sound like they would hit hard. you can even download some of them
  14. i forgot how much my 60 in a 30 ticket was. all i know is im still paying on it. never have enough cash to pay it all at once so i make monthlys
  15. yes a battery charger would work. i use one to mess with my stereo in the garage with one all the time
  16. ive been very lucky for not getting tickets though when im doing over 110 coming back from racine, WI. i live in kenosha, WI
  17. weve got a durango with the 5.9 too. its unbadged so no one thinks its gonna be fast or anything. i take people in it all the time. i love that thing. i can do doughnuts instantly and i can smoke the tires half the time when i try. 4WD is nice too. i was doing 113 on the way back from buying a scorpion and got a rabbit for free with a cage and stuff. it was in the back freaking out cause i had my window down and all the wind. i lost my license doing 30 over when i was passing someone when i was mad. damn slow jeep. :censored:
  18. that was one huge cluster fuck of words thru out this posting. haha. i kept up though.
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