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Fish Chris

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Everything posted by Fish Chris

  1. Yes ! Right on. That's the guy, and the truck I was talking about. So is Jack and this system still around ? Fish
  2. About 2 years ago, I went to a stereo get together, and there was a guy there, I'd say about 35 years old, white, normal build, maybe a little bit of a belly..... He was driving an older truck. Red and white. Like a 78 to 80 or so... GMC ? With one of those old school, sheet metal camper shells. Not to rip on the vehicle or anything, but it really looked like he borrowed it from Grandpa for the evening LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, here's the kicker > This truck had a blow through set up, with six 15"s, and I dunno... 18Kw or something crazy. Apparently it was a super low frequency monster, that he had one some comps with. Unfirtunately, I never got a demo of it, but I'd still like to. Anybody know who this guy is ? ....or if that system still exists, as it was ? Thanks, Fish
  3. Thanks again guys. 727, that's an awesome Brown you caught there ! I don't do much trout fishing, as all we have around these parts are "retarded" hatchery trout. Thank God for these though... This is what our bass eat, to get so big ! I often throw lures that look like trout 8" to 10" long, and about 5 to 8oz ! Can't tell you how many X's I've over heard trout fishermen saying, "Look ! That guy is fishing with a trout ! Isn't that illegal" ? .....I just wish big bass were as easy to fool as some fishermen LOL "Wild" trout are just as awesome as any other sportfish though ! Great fishing to all of you guys, Fish
  4. Uhhhh.... No. This would completely go against the laws of physics. Fish PS, And hey LilTed, one of the biggest drawbacks of electric cars "as it already stands" is their limited range. Any kind of sound system, especially a higher powered one, would hurt your range even more ! Totally poor choice for a vehicle with a high powered sound system.
  5. When I first saw this post, I thought it was going to be another "which one is hotter" thread..... In which case, I would have said..... ehhh.... neither one of them is really that hot. But as far as which one is better as a singer, I really like Amy Lee. Oh, and another thing > I can't freaking believe how close the styles of these two singers / bands are.... I mean like "plagiarizing" close ! Which one came first ? Hmmmm.... Fish
  6. My opinion is that it's a pretty nice looking car. It's good for the environment (although the whole green movement amounts to nothing but pissing in the wind, with a human pop. of 6 1/2 billion and climbing) And very importantly to me, is the fact that since this is an "all electric car", I wouldn't even dream of adding any kind of aftermarket stereo, nor anything else that drank any appreciable amount of juice. Finally, I think I'd wait a generation or two (in automotive terms, that is) for any bugs to get worked out, and also, better / cheaper / lighter batteries to start being produced. Peace, Fish
  7. Thank you 252. I also love fishing in saltwater. When you said Rockfish, you are referring to Striped Bass, correct ? None of the ones I posted were records (just PB's ) but I did catch a line class world record, way back in the day, with a 16lb 12 oz Striper, on 4 lb mono. Got my name in the IGFA record book and a plaque and all. That was cool. That record has been smashed since then, but thats cool. Records are made to be broken. I use nothing but braided line nowadays, and even though some of it is REALLY micro-thin, it's still 10 lb test, so it knocks me out of the running for any kind of line class records. But that's okay, I could not manage without my braided line ! Hey, speaking of Rockfish / Stripers, check out this page.... An old buddy of mine who guides for HUGE Stripers ! This guy is da' man, for catching MONSTER Stripers ! http://www.trophybassonly.com/id76.htm Anyway, great fishing to you Peace, Fish
  8. Thanks Jose, and BTW, if that is your truck in your avatar, that is absolutely sicker than $#!+ !!! I totally love over the top trucks ! You have a sound system in that bad ass ride too ? Fish
  9. Much thanks guys Of course fishing is like pretty much any other thing in life.... If your passionate about it, and you put enough time and effort into it, you almost can't help but have some successes. Hollywood, I WISH I could get swole enough, that somebody would walk up and ask me if I did roids ! That's when I'd know I had succeeded ! ImNotMikal, it's just like what I was saying about fishing success.... Time and effort.... {and eating like a healthfood freak} ! Me 22 months ago.... Me 1 month ago, "trying very hard" to look buff LOL Maybe after about 10 more years of weightlifting... Peace, Fish
  10. I've been a hard-core fishing addict, pretty much all of my life. For about 10 years (from say 98' to 08') I got all onto this big trophy Largemouth kick (hence the name of my old archived website, TrophyBassOnly.com) I've caught 89 of them over 10 lbs, 16 over 13 lbs, 6 over 15 lbs, with a PB of 18.4. But nowadays, I've pretty much gotten back to my fishing roots, which is to say, I'll fish for anything that will bite my hook, and rip on my line ! If it wants to fight, I'm always down ! Fear no fish ! Of course size is totally relative to the species, as well as many other factors, but whatever species I happen to be fishing for, I'm always after a giant of that particular species. Here's a handful of my trophy catches of different species.... 15.6 lb Largemouth My 18.4 lb PB Another fatty 31.2 lb Striper (should have been 40, but was totally empty / spawned out) My PB Smallmouth, 8.5 lbs Check out these MONSTER Redear sunfish I caught about 1 month ago ! 3.2 lbs Okay, so I'm holding it out to make it look bigger, right ? Well duh.... But it really was nearly 15" freaking inches long ! Giant, for a Sunfish ! 3.1 lbs Oh, and of course the dino-fish My big thing with these the last few years, is to go catch them on micro-light gear.... In fact, the same gear I used for the sunfish above Love this shot.... Chased this one around the bay for over two hours, but landed it on the micro-light also Oh, and yes, that was my fat arse 2 years ago. I've lost close to 100 lbs of fat, and put on about 28 lbs of lean muscle, in the last 22 months.... But that could be a whole other thread.... Anyway, this is my show-off post for the evening. Peace, Fish
  11. Hey Hollywood, what your talking about certainly "can work" but it requires some hard-core X-over equipment, and sound processing, to get really narrow, specific frequency ranges only to the specific speakers set up to handle that range. My setup won't be anything near that technical, nor will it need to be.... lucky for me LOL XX7R, I don't think I'll have those issues. You will see why, when I post my build shots. Shouldn't require any tools or anything to add, or remove the extensions either. Just shove on, pull off. Gravity will help me too. Peace, Fish
  12. Well now, since you should mention it..... "IF" the subs (two or more) were seperated, and one was tuned lower than the other, yes, I think that would probably be an epic fail. On the other hand, remember when I talked about extending all 3 of my ports ? Well guess what, if I only extended 1 or 2 of them, it wouldn't hurt anything. You would simply end up with the average length of the ports combined. So, if you had one 16" port, and two were extended to 40", the box would simply act as if it had three, 32" ports. What this means, is that I would not always have to change my tuning from 35hz, straight to 25hz. I could add one extension, and drop the tuning from 35hz, to like 32hz... add one more, and drop it farther to 28... add the 3rd, and be down to 25hz.... if it ever really mattered. Probably wouldn't though, in the real world. Peace, Fish
  13. Right on ! That's actually good news. I didn't really think I would be the first person to have tried this. The thing is though, instead of low tuning for daily driving, and higher tuning for SPL comps, mine would be like "medium low" for daily driving, and "super low" for deep, techno bass. As I often say, very high SPL's are great ! ......if they are loud below 30hz.... and better yet, if they are loud below 24hz Those super high SPL rides, that are hitting at like 45 to 50 hz are just too much for my ears. And besides all that, I'm probably the least competitive guy on the planet anyway. Only person I ever try to outdo, is myself. Peace, Fish
  14. Anybody here ever do this ? Here's what I'm talking about.... Pretty much every tuned port enclosure I've ever built (about 10 of them) ended up leaving me with trade offs The thing is, I listen to a lot of normal music, with lots of tight, clean, guitar and drum bass in the upper range of say 35 to 50hz. A tuning of 32 or 35hz would be great for that. But then, quite often, I will get onto a bass-head kick where I want as much quaking low 25hz bass, as I can possibly get. A port tuning of 25hz would be better for that. So, when building a box, I've always struggled to try and fine a happy medium. But with my next box, I'm going to try something different. This box will be 7.5 cu ft net, for two 15" Dayton HO's. A couple different programs (+ my trusty old port tuning nomogram) show that I can get a tuning of about 35hz, with three, 6" diameter ports, of about 16" in length. So, my plan is to leave about 2 or 3 inches of each of the three ports protruding from the top of the box. Then, with the help of some 6" ABS couplers, I will be able to quickly and easily shove extensions onto the existing ports, increasing the length to whatever I want, whenever I want. The tuning programs show that adding 24" to each of the ports, will drop my tuned Port frequency, from 35hz, to 25 hz.... just like that So, if I'm going on a long trip, and playing normal music, for hours on end, windows up, extensions off. for nice, tight, clean 35hz and up, bass. But if I'm going to go kick it around my town, windows down, and playing a bunch of stupid low techno bass, pop on the extensions, and crank on that $#!+ Do you see any potential problems with this idea ? Ever heard of this being done, or tried it yourself ? I'm actually pretty confident in the whole thing, Hmmmm, Fish
  15. Hey IH8, I'll certainly post an unbiased one ASAP. The metal cone bugged you, huh ? Looks bad ass black anodized though The one thing that worried me, was the relatively small X-max. But I was told by at least a few people that in a ported enclosure, it wouldn't make that much difference..... unless maybe I was trying to compete in SPL contests or something, which I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I do like a lot of DB's, but to me, the clarity is still more important. And about these Dayton HO's specifically, I have heard "they sound really good / clean".... a lot more than I've heard "these things slam so hard"..... So I'm thinking these are more of an SQ design, than a straight SPL. On the other hand, two 15"s in the cab of an F150, with 965 wts RMS, should be easily loud enough for a daily driver Peace, Fish
  16. Well, after strongly considering one 18" Fi Q, I reluctantly excepted the FedEx shipment of my Dayton HO 15" sub.... And holy $#!+ !!! My intial impression of this sub (right out of the box) is that it is just beautiful. Solid, clean, and very professional looking ! So it looks like I am going to go on and give two of these a shot, in a 7.5 cu ft box, multi tuned to both 25hz, for my techno bass stuff, and 35 hz or so, for everything else (no, not at the same time.... just quickly, and easily adjustable, depending on my listening mood at the time Will post some build pics, and the results. Peace, Fish PS, I'd still like top hear from anyone who has played with these subs....
  17. Hitman, thanks Yea', I saw that shot coming.... Stoof there in the cold for an hour as the sun slowly sank. So of course I probably have 30 shots of it graduating in darkness. But this was probably my favorite light. I've shot the bridge many X's from there (Marin Headlands) but I've never seen the fog pull up and stop right at the bridge like that, before, or since. Oh, I used it for my desktop for quite a while too HelloMyNameIs, well, if you mean, "did I paint in the rainbow".... no. Now, pretty much every good photo you will ever see on a pro photography website, has been edited to some small degree, as far as cropping to center, levels, brightness, contrast, etc, etc..... But of course, the better the shot to begin with, the better the finished product. The fact is, in many instances, some small tweaking is neccessary to "bring a shot back" to what it looked like in real life. I get a kick out of some of the guys on the photo forums who will post a pic, and will say, with their noses up in the air, "right out of the camera" "no editing" yada, yada (like, because they are such good photographers... uhhh... okay LOL) and I'm sitting there thinking, "Yea' dude.... I see that. Maybe you "should" have edited it a little first. Would have looked much better LOL Peace, Fish
  18. Well much thanks again guys Glad your enjoying them. Here's a few more then.... Redtail with headless blackbird How many can I post here anyway ? Peace, Fish
  19. http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=295-469 I actually have one due to arrive here tomorrow (so I can start building my enclosure for two of them) but still trying to decide if I should return it, and order an Fi Q 18" ??? I've heard a lot of great things about them, especially pertaining to SQ..... but I like quite a bit of SPL too, and I'm just concerned about the relatively small X-max of these subs. Only 12mm's, although I've heard more than one reviewer say that this is really conservative, and 16mm is really more like it. I think they are nice looking subs though. Anyway, your thoughts on these subs ? Thanks, Fish
  20. Thanks again guys. Rolladoe, no. The only one that shopped is that day time one, with the weird hallo effect. The night one that your talking about was just taken with a long exposure, which is needed to get enough light for the shot. This also stretches out the airplanes I actually do a lot of long exposures in full day light too. I just use really dark filters so I can leave the shutter open for a long time.... Peace, Fish
  21. Thanks guys. Hey, for you guys who like the GG bridge, here's a few more... Here's one that been photo chopped for a pretty cool effect.... if you like that kind of thing anyway... Peace, Fish
  22. Any photographers here ? I'm a pretty hard-core wannabe photographer LOL I took these yesterday at Bodega ay CA. I thought the Osprey came out great. Some clouds would have made it better... but anyway Kind of backlit, but I love the BG on this one. Now, these were WAAAY far away... 100+ % crops, but seeing as they belong to the coolest creatures on earth, still keepers I think.... What's for dinner ? It's fresh rat ! Mmmmm I've got thousands and thousands more.... but anyway. Hope you like them, Peace, Fish
  23. Wow ! That's interesting.With most things, more RAM means faster / better. I guess the fact that I'm running 8gigs makes other stuff smoother / faster, but definately takes longer to reboot, or come back up from hibernation. But yea', just to reitterate, my PC takes quite a bit longer to come back of from hibernation, than it does a complete reboot, from shutdown. I can see where too..... Theirs an extra window that comes up and says "resuming".... and that page is up for like 1+ minutes, in addition to all the other stuff I'd see in a straight reboot. It's worth it though, with my PC being able to wake up at 2am, do all of its maintenance chores, then go back to hibernate, all on its own + now I have my back up hard drive hooked up, freshly backed up, and set to do an auto backup 1 night a week also, and again, all on its own I'm pretty happy with the whole setup. Peace, Fish
  24. Okay, so I finally got my PC to wake up from "Hibernate" do it's maintenance, then go back into "Hibernate" {it would not do all of this from the "sleep" state} But honestly, it takes longer to fire up, and be ready to use, coming from "Hibernate" than it does coming from "Shutdown" ! And the point is, I'm not sure, but I believe my PC will wake up from shut down, do all of it's maintenance stuff, then go back to shut down, just the same as it will from "Hibernate" ? So what's are the plusses, and minuses, of "Hibernate" vs "Shutdown" ? Peace, Fish
  25. Okay, so like I said in that other (played out) thread, I did finally figure out how to make my PC wake up from "Hibernate" at a time set by me (in the BIOS of my MB) then all my PC maintenance stuff to take care of itself, on a schedule set by me, then finally, to go back into hibernation on a timer (the one Logan recommended) set by me. And it all works fine..... except for one thing... The timer only works once, then needs to be reset every single time I use it (everyday) ! Granted, it has a "load" button, and all it takes is one single click, but it's just a matter of remembering to do it, and if I can't make it an "automatic, everyday thing" I know I will forget to load it "often". Is their an auto shutdown gadget that allows you to set a time, then click an "everyday" option ? Thank God their is an "everyday" option in my Bios, to wake the PC up from hibernate, because otherwise, having to go into BIOS everyday, would be such a bitch, it would not be worth it. Anyway, the gadget I'm using is this top one that Logan showed.... Much thanks, Fish
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