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Anthony Collova

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Everything posted by Anthony Collova

  1. Congrats on video #2!! The winner of the Second Skin Video contest. FOr the winner. PLease send me the raw video file [email protected] I will ge a $500 gift code made up today. For the other 2 guys that did not win, email me and I will get you a 50% off code for the site! ANT
  2. For the last 4 or 5 weeks we have been holding a video contest. The winner of the contest gets a gift card to the www.secondskinaudio.com store, and his video will get posted to Steve Meades You Tube page for thousands of people to see. Surprisingly there were only 3 videos sent to us. The contestants still need to email us the video files to upload to our Youtube page, but in the mean time we would like you to vote on them. Voting will be open for 3 days only. We are also going to be adding the poll to the Second Skin forum to see how our members vote as well. The total will be combined and the winner will get the gift card and will go on the SMD Youtube page. Ultimately though, we are going to give Steve the final word. Video #1 Video #2 Video#3 Thanks for your attention! ANT
  3. Looks like we only have a few hours left guys! So far there are only 3 videos submitted! Tomorrow, I am going to post links to them and hold some sort of poll for voting so you guys can decide. Stay tuned! ANT
  4. I just went though all of the names. the oneI like is the one that I came up with myself a while ago. Someone else here put it down already. I have about 7 other forums to check, so the the name is going to get added to the list of ones I like, then we will vote. Skinferno is in the lead... ANT
  5. Logged on this morning to chekc for pics and I can't find the thread. Anyone?
  6. Spectrum and Sludge are both great products. Sos is the quiet car 118 that you are looking in to. Sludge is a very thick version of Spectrum. Same formula though, just with the activator added. Either way, you can't go wrong. ANT
  7. Yeah.. The thing about constraint layer dampign si that the thicker the foil is, the better the damping. Unfortunately this takes away from conformability. That being said I'd rather have a 1 mm thick mat with a 6 mil foil than a 3 mm mat with a 1 mil foil. Foil is where it is at. ANT
  8. Glad to see so many Second Skin Damplifier Pro fans in here. Dynamat Extreme and Hushmat are both great product. Hushmat silver is better than husmat black, whic has a mylar facing rather than a foil one. Our Damplifier compares to both Dynamat and Hushmat very well Damplifier Pro is in a class all on its own. Then there are the SPL Tiles.. WHOA!! My thought is that you should always put whatever money you have for sound deadening, and spend it on the best available product for the best possible price. then spread that evenly over the entire surface area you are trying to cover. I'd rather use $100 of an awesome product than $100 of crap, even if I got 10 times more crap.. Hope that helps! ANT
  9. Check it out: http://www.secondskinaudio.com/viewproduct...?id_product=356 ANT
  10. Wow!! What a great compliment Steve! Thank you so much! And thank you also, to everyone else that chimed in. glad to see you like the material and the results so much! Means a lot to me ANT
  11. We can ship in to canada but you have to call your order in to us. In most cases you have to have a local dealer outside of a 2 hour drive in order for us to ship direct to you, but for this promo, you can call your order in just fine. Plus, you don;t have to buy the SMD package on our site to make the video. As long as you use OUR products in the video you are good. So buy them local or from a friend and you are good ANT
  12. Wow What a very complimentary thread! I appreciate all the positive reaction to Second Skin guys! Email me with any questions [email protected] I am always happy to help, regardless of what product you use! ANT
  13. It can be done but not easily. It is messy and will not end well. The longer the material is left once applied, the stronger the bond gets. You can removed it pretty easily the first day or so, after that though it gets very difficult to remove. ANT
  14. So far not a single SMD pack has been purchased, but I have gotten 1 video in. If no challengers appear, dude might walk about with $500 worth of Second Skin! Where you at boys? ANT
  15. HOw much you use dpends on the product, your system the design of your doors and your goals. Ther eis no real way to put an exact number on it 25% might be perfect, Maybe 50% or even 100% It will take some trial end error but most peopl find that 6-10 sq feet per door is where its at. Hope that helps! ANT
  16. Woot!! Glad you like the results! let me know when you are ready for more, I'll do it up! ANT
  17. Can be for whatever use of the products you want. Road noise, SPL, exhaust done.. Whatever! ANT
  18. 1. Yes, You have until the end of the day on the 15th. 2. You must send us the video to upload to our site. You can also post a link up here on the SMD forum as well as youtube if you like. Hope that helps! ANT
  19. Yup. The melting is called cold flow That happens on the extruder line when the butyl is heated to 400 degrees and squeezed out in liquid form on to the foil. The sheets get stacked on top of one another and cool down that way. The edges get a slight amount of cold run on them and they ends get capped in butyl. Once the butyl cures, it is good to go. You can't add enough heat to reliquify the butyl. Too much heat will eventurally deteriorate the butyl, but butyl is not like asphalt. It is crosslinked which means that can not flow with heat. The flow you are seeing happendd while the product was in its production stage. Hope that helps! ANT
  20. Thanks for checking out this thread guys! Here is the deal for the video contest As a SMD partner, Steve is allowing us to post up a Second Skin video to his Youtube page. Rather than make one our selves, and submit it to Steve, we though it would be more exciting to give that honor to one of the SMD members. So basically, you make a video for Second Skin and the winning video will get uploaded to the SMD Youtube site for thosands of people to see. Here are the requirements of the video 1. Video must be between 2-5 minutes in length 2. Video must showcase the Second Skin packaging 3. Video must showcase the Second Skin product 4. Video should mention Second Skin to a healthy degree (plug the hell out of the Second Skin Brand name) 5. Video must mention the Second Skin website URL; www.secondskinaudio.com Thats pretty much it! You can compare it to anythign else you have used before You can show before and after results You can meter your car, before and after you can do anything you like, as long as the above requirements are met. If you are interested in this project, we are willing to help you get the material in to your hands. To do this we will be offering all potential SMD video contestants a heafty discount on a sample pack of Second Skin to use for the video Here is what you get: 1 Door Pack Damplifier Pro 10 SPL tiles 1 Sheet Luxury Liner Pro 1 Can Adhesive 1 Fury Blade 1 Wooden hand roller This is about $155 worth of product All video guys get this package for $75 plus shipping. In addition to the winner getting added to the SMD Youtube page, they will also get a $500 gift card to be used at the Second Skin site. All the videos that are sent to us will be added to our website for promotional purposes, but only one will get added to Steves page. You can purchase the package here: http://www.secondskinaudio.com/viewproduct...?id_product=350 You can also call your order in 623.533.8193 Thanks so much for your participateion. I look forward to see what you guys can do! ANT This contest will expire on December 15th
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