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Everything posted by Zade08

  1. Ok Iv heard rumors about pioneer decks being very picky with amps. Iv pioneer for ever now and have had nothing but rca problems with them. Work great for a month or two and then start hissing. My deh-3900 has to go in for warranty now so I upgraded to a avh-4000dvd and it starts making a small buzz rite off the bat. So I sent it back and now IM trading it out for some mb quart discus comps and another single din. My question is are the kenwood exceleon decks even comparable to an alpine for pioneer or eclipse.
  2. I call em up downs 1 part rock star energy drink 1 part 7up add sour apple smirnoff to your liking Shits literaly like drinkin soda. Nothin better than caffeine and alcohol. =-P
  3. Holy shit. I hope you research before you start sticking stuff together. Preamp is the voltage in the rcas that run from the deck to the amp. Your thinking of dc voltage coming from the batteries. Most head units have a 2v preout. Others have a 3, 4, 5, and even 6 volt preout. That just means that your amps will run cleaner as your sending more of a signal to it and this will allow you to adjust your gain better. 12v and 14v sytems are what people run to get more power out of there amps. Your normal daily driver is a 12 volt system. You can achieve 14 or 16 volt systems by buying 14 or 16 votl batteries. If you run a 16 volt battery in a daily driver you can fry all of your eolectronics if you dont have it isolated to the trunk and amps only.
  4. I have a few other pics I might throw up. She already said it was ok. Go figure.
  5. Hey man Im almost runnin all sundown know. Im considering switching over to 2 niteshade 15s or 1 big ass 18" nite shade x when they come out.
  6. Yep completely custom saz-3000d bolted down to my car and all. I keep tellin you guys. Chris at db-r.com does hella good work. lol
  7. lol. Angel You know that a budget just meens you have to wait and save longer not settle for cheap equiptment. Im sorry but Iv been down the budget road before and if I cant have something quality than Id rather have nothing at all.
  8. Crunch over PA any day. I had a 4 channel kole amp and yuck. I just upgraded it to my sax-50.4 and love it. Kole use to make descent stuff a few years back but are now garbage from what Iv experienced.
  9. Only other thing I can say to do is get a smaller bit and try and drill it out. I would be care full not to get to close to threads you might fuck em up. Other than that Im out of ideas.
  10. Oh ya dont forget lefty loosey righty tighty. lol. Just in case you forgot. j/k
  11. I would say try and get a smaller screw driver underneath the set screw and pry up while you turn it from the top. Good luck getting it out man.
  12. I undid my fuse at the front bat as its easier than disconnecting all the wires.
  13. The 1500d would push one fine. I currently have 2 of your fully loaded bl15s and the saz-3000d brings them bitches alive.
  14. saz-1500d would be beautiful.
  15. Ya I still need to go to the hardware store and get a different material. Te electrical tape was just a quick fix. Ima look around a bit and update wit what I find and how it works out.
  16. Thanks man. Id love to learn to work on these things myself. Got a lot to learn though.
  17. Chris at db-r said hes only seen this on 1 other 3000d. Dont let it scare you. its just a tut in case it does happen you can save a couple $ and some time on shipping.
  18. lol it was flat till i took it off to take these pics. Gonna redo it when I get home.
  19. Actually Jake Iv had this problem for about 2 weeks now and couldnt explain it. I sent it back to dbr and he couldnt make it go into protect. (Go figure he probley left the back off to get monitor the internals) Sent it back and then I called Chris back and told him what it was doing. He told me he had this happen once before so i tried it and vwalla it worked. Not trying to knock sundown at all. I wouldnt trade a sundown amp for any other amp in the world. Great products, customer service, Price, quality, and performance. Best brand Iv ever owned by far.
  20. Ok guys I figured Id post a tut on this since I had the problem and was able to save me and db-r shipping money by fixing it myself. What was going on is my saz-3000d kept randomly going into protect. it would play long and hard until it got bumped and would then go into protect. At times I could try and make it go into protect and couldn't. It finally downed on me that it must be a grounding problem when I kept getting a small pop in my 6x9s as I would tap on top of the amp in a certain spot. To sum it up heres the problem and the solution. Problem: Saz-3000d transformers are set to high in the case. (This is a small trend from the factory) The transformers keep hitting the bottom cover plate and rubbing of the protective rubber coating. Once the bare metal is exposed the transformers where rubbing and grounding out. Symptoms: Popping feedback to other amplifiers due to grounding out and short circuiting of the 3000d causing it to go into protect. Solution: Open up the back of your 3000d and look at the back plate and see if there are shiny scratch marks above where the transformers are located. (Transformers are the big colorful donut looking things) If so then your amp is probley grounding out. Just go to the hardware store and pick up some kind of flame resistant adhesive rubber and just put it over the spot were the transformer is rubbing. You can also use a roll of weather stripping. I just used electrical tape. Warning: What ever you apply to the spot try not to put an excessive amount as then you are just creating a fire hazard. Pics after the jump. Hope this helps and Im not responsible for any damages that occur or voided warranties with you attempting this etc. etc.
  21. I have 2 15" bl 15s for $400 +shipping. Both are fully loaded and can take 3000rms clean power all day long. Ill have to get pics later as Im at work but can get them. Also there dual 1s but cna be wired to a 1 ohm load just like dual 4s.
  22. lol wow didnt realize it was that old. N/M too.
  23. Its sad becouse shes getting into my hobby and is now like "haha my boyfriend is louder than yours" lol. Shes learned enough to tell weather some ones subs sound like ass just by being outside of the car. lol Thats pretty impressice for a girl.
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