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Everything posted by zfrerichs

  1. no bd d2 its an older model before the bd was avalible
  2. or hook uop the toogle switch so when your driving at night and dont want to be blinded by a bright blue light
  3. i have i would put a little less hardner in and let it take its time not a bunch less just a few cc less or drops whichever your using
  4. use brushes and dont paint the resin on but make small taps instead. the mat will soak the resin in faster and better. the only time ill brush resin on it when im working with the 20 oz mat but ill brush both sides then set it when i want it then ill chip away at it. but if you doing something like laying resin over wood then you could use a roller becaus ethe wood doesnt absorb the resin at a fast rate so it wont matter
  5. i only put three layers of mat down at a time. i have done more and it seems like it take alot longer for the bottom layers to dry, and if the resin has wax in it sanding wont help it by getting the wax off all its doing is allowing the resin to sit in a a bunch of tiny grooves instead of a flat surface and wont come apart as easy. but i use a bonding resin it take no sanding it stays tacky between coats. it just depends on what your trying to make.
  6. id let scott do it for sure seeing how he did work for re and no shipping ftw
  7. i got a nightshade today and its great bro!
  8. i split it to how many amps i have then run that many relays so i can have a switch for every amp or you could run one relay and split after
  9. maybe you should go here and find out lol and to amswer my own questions first is yes it hit 27hz in the vid and it get very loud
  10. these are all for your explorer? whats up with that one motor? they are lookin sexy tho!!
  11. lol i dont need it bro but thanks and its a little dark outside ill get some vids tom with my shitty kodak hahaha
  12. haha naw the next project will be a pair of 18s maybe lol
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