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Everything posted by PUNKYOU007

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  2. Dont go pulling off all your weather stripping, lol
  3. WOW riskay! Moar of this please!! Damn I been doing it all wrong! who woulda thought to start with your head, lol. but for real just make sure your covered up decently...dust mask at least respirator is better....cold shower. I will be honest I get my grind on in shorts and t shirt 9/10 times I just take a cold shower and im good. And what Nate said, get in and just kinda let the water wash most of it away. Dont be scratching and rubbin that shit in. I read last week that a guy in Florida inhaled so much fiberglass dust that his passageways got clogged up.
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  9. Looking for a good online site to get samples of material from. From simple box carpet to faux animal hide to carbon fiber like material. Suggestions?
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  17. 3" coil vs 4" coil. It would be nice but really not necessary right now as I dont have the power to run the HDC3s to potential yet. Thats kinda why I am rebuilding the subs, all four are in perfect shape I just want d2 coils instead of my d1 coils.
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  19. First off sweet heart, it looks like you need to read a little better before you go jumping the gun. Heres what I said I never said that ALL manufactures just slap stickers on. Your taking what I said out of context. Its amazing how you know which companies test and which don't. Also its fascinating how you know what "most people" know and purchase. But I will try to make you happy again and address your entire post since your being so sensative. You said : " But from an industry standpoint: Why would they do that? Equipement costs money, testing costs money. To them - they can just slap a 1500 watt lable on it and 90% of the people who walk into car toys will gobble it up. And if one of us were to use the AD-1, we could see what kind of real world power we are getting after voltage drop. I probably won't buy one myself, but I can certainly see the market for one " Why would a company test there equipment? Really are you kidding me? uhhh maybe for quality control. What kind of dumb statement is that, lol. So because testing and equipment cost money then you assume there are just not interested. Again with a thoughtless comment. What do you think amplifiers are built in some guys shed during his time off. I hardly think money is an issue here. And I am not saying they test everything that comes off the line either. 90% of people go off the red label huh? Where do you get your statistics from? I don't shop at car toys Who cares if you plan on buying one. I have nothing to say about you seeing a market for this equipment. well I hope your happy now that I have addressed everything you said .
  20. Not really sure why a guy who repairs amps need to know how much power it does. I can see if you are someone who modifies amps. Who reviews amps? Again since it hasn't been discussed, I don't know what this thing does but from my and many other assumptions I would figure that there is already a pc of equipment just like this out there.
  21. I would have made the assumption that if your a company who is in the business to manufacture or distribute an amplifier that you already have some sort of equipment to do such testing.
  22. Not sure 100% what this does but i think we all kinda have an idea of its purpose...My question is whats the point of this. Most manufacturers test amps before they ship and provide you with actual performance of your amplifier. Also what does it matter if your 3500W amp really does 4500watts...after rise and other factors your never see that power anyway. Again I haven't seen anything say exactly what this does but the only place I can see this useful is with someone who has too much money and time on there hands to sit around and "dyno" amps.
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