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Everything posted by groundpounder2k2

  1. Well,,,I havent drank for a couple years....last time I got drunk....I was workin on HCCAfans CRX...... Well,last night Abby had her christmas party for work,,,,,I stayed home...Abbys mother watched Memphis... So...I went and picked up a 18 pack of BudLight...Man...did I get shitty...I woke up this morning ....remembering Why I dont drink....I feel like Ive been run over by a snowplow.....and A Buffalo came and shit in my mouth......... on the bright side....Abby came home....1/2 Popped as well................and she was all kinds of horned up........
  2. Thats how I had the subs in my Dodge.............I dunno about numbers wise....but it was the only way to get good deep bass in my standard cab
  3. i know right..........So this will be my.... Its Too Cold To Fiberglass......Seemed Like a Good Idea to turn on the camera...............at the time Thread....
  4. Time to pull it back in......................WTF....Its snowin.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IatLZRV2L30
  5. Workin on the garage ceiling.....so I had to pull the Cavalier outside..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7sjRTfdnGE Burr.............10 degrees...........
  6. Watch this entire Video http://www.sawstop.com/media/WMV/Main_Program.htm
  7. http://www.sawstop.com/media/WMV/Hot_Dog_Demo.htm
  8. SHEEEEEIT............you should be getting your shit free..........I gaurentee....you and this site ...have personally sold..a SHITLOAD of Fi and RF
  9. yea....they are broadcasting the audio signal through the radio station.....
  10. I dont know....but im gonna go try to see....all the inner workings of this impressive setup
  11. remember that video,,,that was all over the net last year..... well This guy down the road from us must have seen it....Holy effin christmas spirit... Non stop traffic in front of Joes house...He has a donation box set up and all the proceeds go to the make a wish foundation....which I think is pretty cool... my camera was acting up a bit....so bare with me.. Crooks Christmas
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