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Everything posted by stayfly33

  1. wait why would you need to take out the seats if you wanted a ported box?
  2. yea whenever i see cars that have those square headlights im always thinkin damn that could be a cop i used to want a crown vic soo bad like 2 years ago
  3. also black mags is hot even tho its madd old just thought i would mention it
  4. haha i was thinkin about postin this earlier but then i was like...theres no terrible song thread so whats the point?
  5. why not go with the hifonics BXi2608D? on dealer cost you can get it for 390 thats the amp im going with
  6. chiefdankbud....you have the greatest name ive seen so far
  7. anyone else bump them? they gotta new song that i just listened to and it sounds hot just skip to about 1:20 thats when the video starts
  8. im curious about this also i dont see alot of setups with caps though so thats why im wondering
  9. im curious about this also but im thinking about running 2 level 3 15"s or 2 level 4 12"s
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