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Everything posted by lolitskasey

  1. I hope soon, I shipped my xp 270 out to kyle to get repaired about 2 weeks ago. Hoping to hear back from him soon, That is the only thing i need to be able to hook everything up.
  2. I was thinking the same thing, just have to wait for my dad to come home so i can borrow his sander haha.
  3. Got my box finished and my battery/amp rack started today no pics of the rack but i will hopefully have everything done by next weekend then i just have to wait on my alt to be fixed. Test fit All painted
  4. Update got my box almost done did my first round of glassing today, tommorrow round 2 haha. any piccccccccccccccs My pro glassing job hahahaha Now a little extra from my helicopter trip today at work!
  5. Thanks man its about time i could get some work done, I got all my wood cut today for my box. The router bit broke and didn't have a extra one so my pappabear is going to buy a new bit for me and finish cutting the holes. I will be gone all next week working so i have to wait until nextweekend to start putting my box together. Hopefully i have my alt by the time i get back.
  6. Got some work done yesterday ran my power, going to run my grounds today and start on my box.
  7. Some updates, it was a amazing day outside for once. I got all my power wire cut and soldered to length. I also bought a new AGM bat for under my hood.
  8. EDIT: Tweaked my box design a little bit and made up a little visual how does everything look?
  9. Thats was i was trying to verify. so both bends would be, 18" long and do the 90 9 7/8?
  10. Yeah I saw that I will re size it when I get back to my desk on my lunch break Edit: so since I will have two bends cause I want my port to be in the middle of the box would I want to cut the total length of the port in half? Example, the port length is 31 would I cut that in half to make two bends? Sorry if that didn't make any since its hard to explain. On my lunch break I will make a visual.
  11. Alright so this is as close as i could get it. For the port bend how would i do that? since i am doing subs up port back and the length of the port is 31 and the length of the box would be 22 would i go like 19 inches in for the port then bent how would that work?
  12. Sounds like a plan, hopefully by next weekend i will have my alt fixed at be able to hook up my amp
  13. If you can get that to 3.5 net with a tad more port, it'd be good. DOn't forget bracing displacement. Alright so about 15-16 square inch port?
  14. So this is my box design how does this look? edit:took a screen shot of my dual monitor so the pic was to small
  15. yep triple baffle flush mount, flush mount dose suck though when you have subs that weigh 90 pounds a piece.
  16. I have one 5k ATM ordering my next 5k next week once my funds are in order. So I am going to downsize my box to around 4 cubes after displacement tuned to 32hz
  17. Haha hopefully everything goes smoothly from here on out. I am going to try and have everything in and ready to go before my alt gets fixed so when it gets here i can just drop it in and tune my amp and test her out.
  18. the dimensions i was going to use were L: 25.5" H:22" W:39.5"
  19. have the wood in my garage ready just waiting for this weekend to start building. Still need to tweak my design up a little so i can get everything to fit nicely.
  20. Little update shipping my alt out to kyle tomorrow to get fixed. Got my dimensions on my box and where i will be mounting amps and placing my 4 batts. One question, my gross volume came out to 10.82 cubes i am assuming after displacement it will come down a little but that seems quite big for 12s. What do you guys think? smaller box or what.
  21. On hold until i get my alt fixed got damaged during shipping.
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