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Everything posted by white4d96

  1. ...I drive a fleet-white bare-bones Grand(ma) Prix. lol It'll go from being worth ten bucks to fifteen. Yay.
  2. Worst case scenario, faulty ECU. Had that problem with an old Pontiac 6000 I drove last summer for a bit, and it went from bogging once in awhile, to the motor dying completely as I was going 65 down a highway...God DAMN I thought I was gonna die wrestling that hunk of junk onto the side. Annoying thing was, it started right up and went on...then did it again. Took months to diagnose.
  3. Dunno what your space looks like, but my brother had rattle issues with subs back on his DC2, spun the box around to fire forward and cut down on rattle a LOT. And he has a big box, at least for two crappy twelves (it's one of those wal-mart Dual "band pass" boxes with the 4 chrome ports or w.e), so maybe you could try that if you can.
  4. Haha, I know, right? I've been told mine doesn't count 'cause there's an Olds motor in it, but whatever, only difference is the serial number lol. Seriously though, I think the only platform they had to themselves was the one they based the G8 on, and I heard rumors the new Impala was gonna be based off that.
  5. X2 Good decisions are rarely made in anger. Take a couple days, throw some back, whatever. Chill out before attempting negotiations.
  6. Pontiac will be dead by the end of the year. Not a huge loss since almost all GM's are platform cars anyhow, but still a shame. Anyone got opinions on it? I may be biased; I'm a Poncho owner =P
  7. WAIT! measure the diameter and length of your spring, see if you can find the rate (uncompressed height i think) and find a spring thats stiffer. Maybe there's another vehicle that you could bum springs off of if you can find matching dimensions.
  8. Probably staying in the UW system, maybe Madison. Somewhere that will maybe give me a decent scholarship and let me get away from the 'rents. Im kinda screwed though because my GPA isn't that great, barely over a 3.2 unweighted, which is crap as far as WI standards go...=/ we will see.
  9. x3 As a plus, then you won't feel so bad cuz you're not hacking up a new car when you put in the system you bought with all the money you saved =P
  10. Haha! nice! I keep mine behind my seat, in case someone loosens all my lugnuts (happened before at school...) or I need a road-rage deterrent...
  11. In seriousness though, my system can't really be classified as 'big' but what I am doing is mounting my amp to some MDF above the spare well, and when I am finished, it will be hinged so if I need my spare, i can just flip it up and grab the stuff.
  12. Its just grating cuz i ran out of time on the maths. I KNOW I could do a lot better on it...=/
  13. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say exactly, but lets just say it was in the lower 30's
  14. Thats what I wanted to hear lol, thanks again!
  15. Dual 4's. Currently I have each one at 2 ohms
  16. Which of these two would you recommend for two Alpine S-10's? http://cgi.ebay.com/MA-AUDIO-HK398-600-WAT...:1|293:1|294:50 OR http://cgi.ebay.com/MA-Audio-M300XE-2-Chan...:0|293:1|294:30
  17. I would say if you can find them, get some polyurethane bushings and put those in as well. They're a bitch to do but well worth it.
  18. Check where your RCA's are run. Try moving them and see what happens. If all else fails, try swapping the sub and speaker RCAs and see if the noise goes away.
  19. Kids at my school think that if you don't have DD or Kicker or Sony, you have shit. Yes, I said Sony. Everywhere I look I see crappy, too-small, tiny-ported boxes that probably have more excursion than the subs inside them. There is NOBODY here that gives half a crap about SQ or anything really at all except being loud and obnoxious. ...Sad thing is, they really aren't that loud...
  20. hm...i would double check that you aren't clipping if you can. About how long was it goin?
  21. I just got an email saying that my ACT results had been posted. I did a LOT better than I expected... =D I was really scared going in, but now I'm really happy! Just wanted to share some good news =]
  22. THis sounds really dumb but how hot is hot? Was it too hot to touch?
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