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Everything posted by DownSouthCustom

  1. Yeah the paper only costs 100 to 200 after study guide and test. Not so much worried about the piece of paper I can get that over Internet. My question is more for people who have attended or decided not to attend. More interested in the fabrication and interior class. But I do see where your coming from it's not cheap. Learning from Steve would be a badass experience but be real he's got a family and job I'm sure if he was trying to be an instructor and make money off of it he would advertise.
  2. I was just looking to see if anybody has personal experience with Acoustic Edge Install School in Houston. Anybody?
  3. Sorry to hear bro. Honesty sucks sometimes but at least you kept it real. There's plenty of places that will accept you and now you know what to look for. You sound like a cool guy and we need more down to earth cops. Good luck with your job search.
  4. I had a 96 grand Cherokee Laredo I put them at the very top of a pillar on an angled tweeter mount. Didn't look great but screamed. My buddy had your same year we put 4 tweeters in the overhead console in the blank black plastic part straight above center console. Also sounded great and with them being flush mounted looked really good. Only problem was with the staging on them took about 20 min. and 3 pairs of ears but we got em sounding great.
  5. I'm from the South love our music but that shit is wack. I guess it's good for the kids my 15 year old and her friends love it.
  6. Just wondering same thing. Or is the one with yellow case in Steve's How to video better.
  7. No it doesn't matter Just wondering what an H2 loaded down with a bunch of equipment does at the pump. I agree with you it's a guzzler I ain't looking to buy it just curious.
  8. Thanks man on the iphone now but when I get to computer I will be able to get it done. Peace
  9. Stupid question but I updated my profile picture it shows up in profile but how do I get my picture under my name in post. Laugh it up but Im a dumbass with computers.
  10. I don't know, he don't know, she don't know and we won't know unless we know your vehicle and either you or somebody BUILDS it. Could be a great location could be bad. Who knows.
  11. My bad lanman just answering his question about where and what kind to get. Do your thing Playa, I'll sit back and watch.
  12. You need a Transformer based Isolator to help keep midbass. I read eBay for about 11 bucks.
  13. You got the 3xl 12's? Or 2xl? 2xl is 450rms 900 peak 3xl is 850rms 1700 peak. Don't know about 200 for a descent 15. I'd save up. Is it in a ported box? I just ask because I sell and install a lot of PowerBass and was thinking about running there 4xl 15 competition woofer. 2500 rms 10,000 burst. But hefty price tag even with dealer cost bout 700 bucks.
  14. I have a 2003 2 wheel drive Dakota and I'm not sure how close our suspension is but I had my ball joint go out. It did exact same thing you described. When we pulled wheel off all the bearings were ground down to shit. I checked a few Dodge forums and actually found out it was quite common for the vehicle. Don't remember if it was upper or lower. Hope it helps.
  15. You check power steering fluid? No disrespect but if I could ask are you a car guy or you kinda clueless and just looking for some help?
  16. Fuck it I personally would take an older vehicle and money to play with but I can't do a 4x4 just costs to much to drop and bag. Is yours a 4x4 or is the one your looking at a 4x4?
  17. You could try to make some cash doing some installs on the side. Your shit is a pretty clean install. Just got to grind. Good luck man I have seen your build and it's cool that you are getting into this shit yourself. I'd rather see a kid install his shit himself than a man pay a shop to do his whole install. No offense to that other Hoe. Lol
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