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Posts posted by ChevyBoy95

  1. Thank's for chiming in Kranny, so i could just plug my numbers into the calc and hit 0 for common port walls and should be good as far as ware i place the port on the top of the box? and in your opinion what do you suggest tuning these to i was thinking 33HZ it's a daily ?

    33 should be perfect, im running 2 m1 xls on about the same power, 6.5 cubes with 2 6in aeros tuned to 31hz, plays down to about 25hz with authority, but i do loose some upper bass notes.

  2. Wont the port take up the same amount of airspace regardless? Hmmm maybe it will be off one side by 3/4 so you might have to accomodate that but Im not sure..Im tuned in for an answer.

    no, because the thickness of mdf will be different, rather than sharing a wall of the box.

  3. fyi, red isnt clipping in audacity, it just means the wave is either 0db or over. even when you do "show clipping" it really only shows where the wave spikes to over 0db. you can make a clean generated 50hz wave in audacity, and put the amplitude to 1 (amplitude of 1 = 0db in audacity) and it will be solid red.

    better yet, generate a saw tooth or square wave with the generator and the show clipping on.

    edit: one way to do it is zoom in REALLY close in audacity until you can see the actually wave forms crests and troughs. do this in the heavy bass lines and check to see if everything is rounded or jagged/squarish.

  4. The dustcap is installed with Rubber glue not CA. If you try to remove it you will damage the cone. Trust me on this one, I have done it and blown the cone out. I thought I was careful when I cut the dustcap off, but once you mess with the integrity of the cone, it just wont be the same.

    ive done it successfully... so idk. razor blade and about 45 minutes.

  5. fyi, it could be spam, only reason i say that is because ANYTHING you enter an email address into, if it is a newsletter, paying for something online, etc., will be obviously made into a list. The thing most dont know, is that the companies have free reign depending on the fine print of their site, where they can sell your email addresses to others than often are the ones who you get random spam from. anything like what you got i ignore.

  6. If you are replacing your transmission, should the transmission place send you the tools to put your transmission in your car?

    If you are mounting your new flat screen to the wall are you supposed to have the included drill and screwdriver included in the box?

    Just curious


    last time i checked glue and activator costs like 10 bucks, the tools to replace a tranny is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more. (so throw that analogy out the window)

    and a good amount of TVs come with magnetic screwdrivers believe it or not.

  7. try looking at the crescendo PWX's maybe?

    not to be an ass.... but do you ever read anything? i let it slip the first post, i said 100rms or over, you told me about $9 50rms focals. now about the scendo mids.

    here is the quote from my original post up top...

    Things im looking for:

    1. any where from 4-8 ohms

    2. rms rating as high as possibe (over 100rms)

    3. OD NO BIGGER THAN 6.5"

    4. no depth more than 3"

    Budget.... whatever.

    fyi, i REALLY wanted scendo pwx mids, BUT the OD is 6 7/8 which is too big.

    edit, thanks sierra, might snag 4 or 6 of those.

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