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Marlo Stanfield

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Everything posted by Marlo Stanfield

  1. If you absolutely have to do so them add at least an extra layer of MDF to where it will be mounted, plus add rubber washers and make sure your enclosure is braced very well so it doesn't vibrate much to begin with. Why don't u just make a simple amp rack just to hold it in place??
  2. High quality pictures of just about everything on the car is always something that draws people in.
  3. I agree with this 100% But I was up @ 440am this morning and bought a good amount of stuff.. Most of it for myself because of some of the sick deals out there and I don't have a ton of xmas shopping to do for others.. I bought a 42" plasma for just under $500 for my bedroom and got a 32" plasma for $298 for my guest room. Right there alone I saved over $600 if I wanted the same 2 TVs a few days later. I got my mother an Amethyst ring w/ pink sapphires + 1/4kt of diamonds, Amethyst drop necklace + 1/5kt diamond surrounding the Amethyst and a pair of Amethyst + diamond earrings. All of it was set in 14k gold and originally was over $1500 for all 3 pieces and I ended up paying only $360 for all of it. It was 60% off, then I had a flyer for 25% off of that and then another 20% off that price because I opened a Macy's CC. Then I hit Sears and bought myself a new router, router table, and new bits... All of which was 50% off of listed price and then 30% off of that when using a Sears card. I bought a few more things here and there but nothing else big though. All in all if I were to have purchased everything I bought a few days later, I would have paid over $2000 more than I did pay. This is why I always go out on black friday w/ a female friend of mine and we each make a list so we don't waste away the entire day just browsing for things. I'll catch up on my sleep tonite and enjoy my new toys today.
  4. Monster 10s like these never cease to amaze me by how badass they look... The mounting rings on these really set it off even more. Makes me wanna rips out my 15s and run 4 huge 10s in back.
  5. I got a good LOL out of what I put in bold... I know broads always leaves me to chase after the guy who has the 91 accord w/ lambo doors and fart can exhaust.
  6. What final ohm load do u need it to do that power at?? and what is your price range?? I might have a few things for ya depending.
  7. I got to see it in Port Everglades in Ft lauderdale and it's significantly larger than even the biggest other cruise ships in port... Really can't explain how large it truly it without seeing it in person.
  8. Just keep it low for a day or so and you should be fine regarding break in... Realistically you prolli won't need to let them break in before u let it rip, but might as well to be safe. This is suppose to be a build log, so where are the pictures or actual build??
  9. First of all you won't be seeing anywhere near 6100 watts so u can get that fantasy out of your head.. Second DO NOT mix and match woofers.. Third, my suggest would be to sell the Lanzar amp, RF woofer, RF amp, and Pioneer amp... Then use that money to buy a better quality amp for the L5s, build a proper enclosure and install everything the correct way(proper wiring, amp settings, HU settings, etc).. Next i'd suggest that you read as much on this forum, bcae1.com, and other forums to get sum more product and install knowledge.
  10. Get a gram of coke and cut it down to make a good profit off of it... Then continue this cycle and eventually you'll have sum serious dough.
  11. There ya go man, hopefully that helps out. Best 1/0 wiring kits out there IMO are the Kicker Hyperflex kit and this one from Knukonceptz - http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KFX-PK0
  12. Good luck trying to put a Kinetik 3800 under hood without a custom battery tray for it... They are sum big bitches.
  13. I'll give you a tip for lambo doors - Unless you're buying them as replacement doors for your Murcielago, Diablo, or Countach then don't buy them. Your 1993 Civic will never be a lamborghini no matter how hard you try.
  14. Seeing if anyone else on here watches the greatest car show ever to be on TV.. It's a british show that is now on its 14th season(since it's re-launch in 2002) and is one of the most watched shows in the world, with an estimated 350 million viewers worldwide when new episodes play(on BBC Two, Sunday nights). The drive and test some of the most incredible cars on the planet and do some of the funniest/ridiculous challenges that can be associated with a car. The hosts all work so well together and they have one of the best kept secrets on TV, the true identity of their test driver The Stig. In England it plays every Sunday but from what I've seen it's not on in the US for their new shows. The older episodes are on BBC pretty often. If you've never seen the show then trust me it is worth even second of your time to watch it. It combines some of the best cars on the planet(and other regular ones also) either be tested or ran through a number of challenges. Then hosts Jeremy Clarkson, Richard "hamster" Hammond, and James "Captain slow" May are equally exciting and funny to watch in so many ways. If you're looking for episodes online, Streetfire has the majority of the episodes since the re-launch of the show in 2002. They also get the newest episodes less than a day after they are aired live. If you guys have any ?s bout the show feel free to ask, I've been a huge fan for sometime now and know just about everything regarding the show.
  15. x2 some of those boards are a little better than others but for the most part have been very problematic. The first run of each of them especially was known to be pretty rough and even after some changes were made they still haven't been ideal. Just like Boon said some people who have run them have had pretty good success with them. It seems to be a hit or miss thing from what I've heard. If u decide to run it just make sure to have plenty of electrical backup, extra fans to run them as cool as possible, and mount them so they're vibration free as possible.
  16. Regarding the woofers moving differently, they just sound like they're loading differently and I'd make sure all your connections are secure. Did you buy both of them brand new?? and install them at the same time?? Just get rid of the batt you have under hood, toss the yellow top in its place and buy 2 group 31s to put in back... There are better batts out there in the same size/price range as the Kinetik. When i said front stage a few posts back, I meant what speakers and amp are you currently running??
  17. At least your lil addiction wasn't very pricey... Hell when my old shop closed down I bought up over $4k worth of equipment from my old boss/owner of the shop. The actual equipment itself I could have resold it all for prolli 3x what I paid for it. I sold enough of the amps/subs/wiring that I made back the money I spent and ended up with 5 or 6 amps still and right around 10-12 woofers.
  18. I very strongly suggest not running a wet cell batt(under hood) with a dry cell batt like the optima. Someone that is looking to steal your system isn't gonna take the enclosure that it's in for the most part.. A person with a power drill very easily could rip out both subs in under 30 seconds, especially if they've done it before. Like i mentioned in my previous post, I really would just be careful and just be aware of people paying extra close attention to it. Before you buy anything else I'd suggest getting these things in the following order - -Better alarm w/ 2 way system so it alerts the receiver u have if the alarm goes off -A few group 31 batts(XS 3100, Northstar NSB-125, Kinetik 2400, etc) -HO alt(Ohio Gen, XS Power, DC Power, Mechman, Irraggi, EA, etc) -Additional 1/0 or larger wire for extra power/ground runs -Purchase second 2200D What kind of front stage do u have??
  19. I really hope that you have a good alarm system, very dark tints, and a well lit + safe area you park at night.. Because that box with the subs right there like that is just screaming STEAL ME. Make sure also not to bump it around where you're living and if u demo it for random people make sure that they don't follow u and see where you're living. I'm not trying to make your paranoid or anything, just trying to give u tips to avoid getting things stolen. With all the horror stories of different systems being stolen, you really can't be too careful when it comes to who knows where u live and what you have in the truck.
  20. DO NOT run that amp @ .5ohms daily without having made significant changes to your electrical system. It has become quite the trend recently that people spend all this money on subs + amps, but don't bother to have the electrical to actually play it properly. The worst part of it all is that without the electrical voltage drops can lead to sum very bad things for you amps + even subs when if the amp starts clipping. In your sig it says u have a yellow top in back, but what battery is under hood right now?? Also once you get your electrical all squared away(HO alt, 3 or 4 group 31 batts, multiple power/ground runs) then running a 2200D to each woofer will be more than enough per woofer.
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