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Everything posted by bcpballer64

  1. i like that...if i get enough ideas ill make a poll and that can definitely be an option.
  2. Let me re-phrease what i meant a flash drive that looks like something like that. So the only function of the device would be flash drive.
  3. If you could have anything made into a flash drive what would it be? I'm doing research for a school project if the same idea pops up multiple times ill make a poll to vote on the winning drive. If you are the one that suggests the winning idea first as an idea ill make it and send it to you to be yours. Anything at all is eligible for ideas so toss 'em up.
  4. That would be sweet if you did. I'll be 18 next year so I could fly out to CES I've always wanted to go and especially if you are there.
  5. Steve did you smack the bumper wen you were getting onto that flatbed? And r u going back to CES next year?
  6. ~31-33 hz should sound a hella lot better than 43 hz tuned right? it is a daily and it is a 4th order bandpass.
  7. Thanks for the advice guys. Went out back and found this little guy and cut me some port tubes.
  8. Thats what i am looking for. Thank you very much.
  9. Well i will definatly take that into consideration for my future. I appreciate the advice.
  10. I have a box that i made for my physics project. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...showtopic=64923 I have 3 inch tubes in either side right now but i want to lower the tuning and i know that i need a 6" long tube to get it there. I dont have any port noise. It is a bandpass enclosure and the tube is in the front chamber. The ported chamber is 1.8 cubes and the sealed chamber is 1.5 cubes. Each subwoofer has its own chamber. So you dont think that using straight up like plumbing PVC pipe would work?
  11. Ok so i have my box finished and installed but my tuning is way way too high. it is tuned at 41 hz. I know that to get it down to 36 hz (where i want it) i need a 6" long 3" diameter port tube. I cant find them anywhere i can only find them in like 4" or 4.5" lengths. My question: can i use PVC pipe for a port tube? I have access to some 3" pvc pipe and could easily get some of it.
  12. I understand what you are saying about the future and the different technologies. I should look into that, i would like to tie it into car audio though. Im not planning on going into car audio after my engineering degree i just would like to do it on the side. Wind energy is huge in my county we have over 400 wind turbines.
  13. People just wanted to see the box playing, i didnt know what else to say. times? what did you mean by that? U an engineer?
  14. Bump for replies. Please peoples. I need some ideas. Anything you want to toss out there.
  15. Walmart Automotive section. I think maybe 12 bucks if that.
  16. Here is a video of my first semester project. Just in case it doesn't work embedded.
  17. No i didnt make a copy of it but it will take me a whole like ten minutes to render another animation wheni get back to school. No i got the scoshe wiring from crutchfield when i ordered all of my stuff last year. i have two 8 gauges kits blue power clear ground.
  18. I know im qouting myself but instead of a new thread I thought i would add to this. What about a dB meter? Is there anything any of you guys have wanted to have or build small electronics wise? This is a brainstorming thread so any and all ideas please.
  19. i would but i was just trying to switch it from a .wmv to a .gif and i fucked it up. im going to have to make another renering whenver i get back to school cause we are out on a snow day today and prolly tomorrow. Got your PM btw and thanks i might have you do that ill PM you if or when i get it on youtube.
  20. ok so it just has to be a .gif? i have 3d rendering capability at my disposal and parametric modeling (Autodesk Inventor). I made a sub with my custom logo on it and i made a vid of it bumping i want it as my avatar. i will work on it thanks for the info.
  21. How do you get a clip for your name pic? i cant figure it out.
  22. Ya Indiana to Vegas is a hella trip. We should have gone lol f**k school they can wait.
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