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Everything posted by sqsux

  1. Well, you said you the ssd would be dual 2 ohm, and 2 divide by 2 = 1ohm. So you need the 1ohm rating.
  2. I have a bunch of scrap laying outside, stuff is thick as hell. And MDF is about 36 bucks for a sheet here as well, used to be 25ish
  3. If its old then its normal, if it starts to rip throw a little silicon or goop on it.
  4. You might want to raise your price just a little bit for a woofer that handles that kind of power. Try talking to a DC rep, or rusty about an xl or maybe a level 5, or check out FI's products. I haven't heard any other single woofers off of that kind of power in person. http://www.ficaraudio.com/sess/utn154c51135bd6984/shopdata/0050_Speakers/0010_BTL/product_overview.shopscript Edit: Idk why my links aren't working.
  5. Oh, maybe so then. I first hooked up my volt meter to the remote wire and it would always read as mid 12's. I knew something wasn't right so I switched it and now its 13.8 to 14.2.
  6. I agree, your volt meter isn't hooked up to the remote wire coming off of your deck is it? Because if the volt meter's constant and rem on wires are hooked up to the remote off of the head unit, it will read wrong.
  7. there should be something like this at your local auto part store. I like plain black paint better.
  8. You will need one of these these and these I'm not sure if the first two are for your car or not, it's just what came up. Go to Wal-Mart or BestBuy and ask someone for help finding vehicle specific items. And this is for if you want to replace the factory stereo, you don't HAVE to, but I'm not sure how to integrate an aftermarket amp into a stock system.
  9. what kind of car do you have?
  10. Make that 250-300 at 2 ohm, like this one http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_26848_JL+Audio+J2+250.1+-J2250.1-.html
  11. You go by what the RMS of the sub is rated at, RMS is the rated continuous power. I believe that sub is rated at like 150 RMS so you would want around 250 to 300 watts powering them, and I wouldn't go very far over with dual subs.
  12. No way, I already know I wouldn't be able to bring myself to kill a person, I can't even hit a person without an exceptionally good reason, it's just not the kind of person I am. I said, no one in the armed forces deserves to go through that, but they should have been prepared. I mean if you join the military you can't exactly expect to never see combat. I'm by no means saying it's easy to deal with anything like that, but it SHOULD be expected. I'm not trying to say anyone is right or wrong by the actions they take, I just think the whole medical pot thing is stupid, and that's my personal opinion. I don't want anyone to be offended by what I say, and I think I've already taken it to far and off topic, so I think I'll sit the rest of this thread out. I'll for sure keep an eye on it though.
  13. http://www.ostrichgoods.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/27/products_id/41
  14. Ohhh, then yeah, as far as I know audiopipe is about the cheapest that will do rated.
  15. I've never read into it, simply for the fact that I think it's a joke, so I had no clue what it did. It's everyone's personal opinion, I know that if I were put in the situation where I was offered medical drugs to deal with emotional problems, including coping with death, I ABSOLUTELY would not do it, and thats the way I feel. Lets say my bestfriend was on their death bed, smokin a joint, I would respect that and not try to push them away from it, just like I would expect anyone else to respect that I don't want it pushed on me. And I've had several family members survive and die from cancer, it's a part of life and I accept that god has taken them from me. I still think this is all a joke though.
  16. Haha, that 2loud truck is awesome looking. Is that the actual HU on the rod in the front?
  17. I wouldn't think so, if they're going to give you the money for it then what the hell. but watch what you buy/trade for, EricR on here scared me out of buying an ap3k
  18. If you're going to end up buying an SUV no matter what, spend a little and save the rest. Otherwise, if you see potential, go all out. But it is your money so do what you want.
  19. Because that's what they feel it's worth, it's like having a nice car from the 60's and a decent car from 2000, which is going to be worth more? Just the way it works with some things I guess.
  20. lets do it like this, 100 amps times 14.1 volts = 1410 times the general efficiency of an A/B amp ~30%IIRC = 423 watts Efficiency is prolly closer to 50%, idr what it is on a/b amps, just that it's pretty low.
  21. I don't want to offend any one, especially war vets, but there is absolutely no reason anyone should have to smoke pot to cope, or deal with pain. there are other ways. I hate the idea of drugs, if pot saves your life from cancer, thats one thing, but when you applied for the marines, army, navy, etc. then you should have known what you had ahead of you, and had your way of coping planned out. I'm not saying that anyone deserves to go through anything for being in the line of duty, but I think its retarded that this has been introduced as a way of coping with war. people need to come to terms with things without a crutch, otherwise all they're ever going to know is that crutch, and it most likely will lead into other things and life will never get better. /rant
  22. People say 12 to 16 square inches of port area per cubic foot of box volume is ideal.
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