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Everything posted by jeyrapboy

  1. Well PM me... Cuz if its a good deal, it can be a win-win sit. for me and you both
  2. Pm me bro.. So i can get to it when i can. I may buy them both but one set at a time... Just depends really.
  3. Thanks man. The alpine coax's i got up front are great but people in the back cant hear the mids and highs at all. SO i am moving those back there and buying something with a little more "punch" for the front.
  4. Got a link man? I am having no google luck. I have heard that they are VERY good speakers.
  5. Thanks for some of the suggestions guys. Keep em coming.
  6. Okay you guys need some suggestions. I need some good components or coax's in the 50-80 range. That price is a LITTLE flexible but the whole price i want to be under $100 I am moving the alpine 2 ways that i bought from n8 to the rear door and putting the new comps up front. For now they will be powered of the headunit, but later on down the rd i am purchasing a AQ 90x4
  7. Thanks well the way the the company up here works is that for each category that work is need is contracted out. Well they will send out a bulletin and all these company's and they will "bid" and whoever has the lowest "bid" or asking pay price get the contract, well i am with a construction company and there contract has 2 extra workers approved for the end of the year. Well i am hoping that i get redone to were i can stay. Thanks bro!
  8. O really? Thats cool. As far as working my balls off i have been there 3 days, done 7 tasks that no one wanted to do one of which is a 1 week job stripping and waxing floors. Also offered to work one of the positions at 2 of the other sites. Told them to call me let me know, when, where and what time to be there and i will.
  9. Yea man i like my job, but no matter how hard it gets i just think of the money, Its the one thing that gets everyone motivated
  10. It dont matter, there has been threads from 2-4 years ago bumped lol, I like the GC dude i have a 93 but i am wanting a newer one.
  11. Yea man well stick with it! It shall pay off Oh yeah i have volunteered a good bit for stuff that other people bitched about doing. Seems to make the boss happy.
  12. Well man take it from me, being 18 and having a license opens a BUNCH of doors, But its just as hard.
  13. Dude the job market is fuckin brutal! The guy that i am workin/training with. He is a Fedex driver at night. Said that they cut his hours from 45 back to like 15.... Good luck with the job hunt man! Dont give up... I hung in there and pushed through and finally it paid off. Even if its not permanent, its still some money coming in to get some stuff that i have been needing.
  14. Oh yeah man for sure, There is ENDLESS opportunity's on a power plant. Dude i am extreamly lucky that i have this job. I honestly still can believe it. I will never take it for granted that is for damn sure.
  15. For real i thought it was nuts and that i would never be doing something like this... Yea for sure, working this early is like when i worked 3rd. Everybody is like i dont see how you do it... Well i get the same amount of sleep the average person does. So my ass is in bed at a decent hour. If i fall asleep on the job, my ass is grass and that could cause some SERIOUS issues.
  16. Yea man surprisingly i like getting up early and getting to work. I didnt think i would adjust that fast. I mean i love it. I can come home and spend time with family and friends and then crash around 9 or 10 so it really works out! Thanks man! Something that i will live my day by day life doing. I believe that hard work does pay off in the end.
  17. Hey man keep with it believe it or not. I put in a app for this company like 1 year ago. The machine shop in this place is something i could only dream of. Keep wit it mane! Good luck! Oh man i bust my ass every single day... Plan to do so for the rest of my time there! Shit man you already know. I can go in at 5 am on sat and sign out whenever i want. SO i think i will be going in and putting 8-10hrs on 2-3 sat a month.
  18. Well you guys after searching HARD for the last 6 months i landed a job at LG&E (Louisville gas & electric) I am a general contractor doing some general maintenance around the place. It is very hard work. I am proud to say that i have been working my ass off the last 3 days and look forward to do so for some time. This is only until the end of December but if the contract is renewed i will be there for good. (crosses fingers) Anyways just a couple pics from inside. This is at one of there power generating stations. This is the turbine room. 6 turbines in total. mon - fri 530am-2pm (sat) optional i get paid time and a half. For being 18 this is HUGE. Sorry for the randomness but this has to be one of the greatest moments of my life so far. I work with a bunch of awesome people and get to see tons off cool shit. Not to mention that every second of every day is a learning experience.
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